Your Conrtribution May Be Deductible winkwink

Hey, before when my wife used to complain that I wasn't using a coaster I'd knock her around a bit to remind her who was paying for shit around here. But now she brings out the No More coasters and they remind me not to take my anger out on her, so I just punch the wall instead. We spend a lot more money on spackle

Activism requires, at the minimum, activist actions. Posting on a website (I am fully aware of the irony but I am involved in my local races) does not count as political efficacy. Aside from playing off the the NFL-condoned media spots, NO MORE has no other ideas. Don't get me wrong; if you hit your wife you should

"NO MORE is bringing people and organizations together with a unifying symbol. And it's helping to elevate domestic violence and sexual assault in a new way."

I don't think you can expect much from a domestic violence logo-awareness campaign that traffics in beer coasters.

And it's helping to elevate domestic violence and sexual assault in a new way.

Diana 1, Virginia 0.

we're being criticized for being a public awareness campaign—which we are!

Thank you for your work on this Diana.

What happens to the money they get from selling merchandise? Do they just pocket it? If so, wouldn't that make them a for-profit operation?

I would actually be curious to read more from someone who deals with domestic violence professionally on what the potential achievements and utility of an "awareness campaign" are. (Self criticism: if I were REALLY interested, maybe I wouldn't be posting the question on a sports gossip blog!) I was a child when the

So this is all marketing for marketing's sake.

The only people benefitting monetarily from NO MORE appear to be PR firms crafting press statements and talking point/QA documents.

I've come to the conclusion that NO MORE spent four years prepping a marketing campaign to raise awareness, and Ray Rice did more than they ever could have hoped to by landing one punch on camera.

Diana -

Gosh, I'm really wising I had included those coasters in my story now. A few folks have asked where the money goes, so here's what I got when I asked Witt where the money from the No More products go. This is her answer, in its entirety:

My work surrounds working with survivors and victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence is real and affects anyone regardless of gender, race, religion or socio-economic status. That said there are number of organizations that work to prevent and help survivors break the cycle of violence in their lives.


Yeah, they take no direct donations and direct money and volunteer requests to other non-profits that are the boots on the ground. They do have their own merchandise and where that money goes is a good question, one that wasn't asked or looked into this piece.