Yes, thank you.
Yes, thank you.
How does that work..... Do you squeeze them between your thighs while you snort the Pollo Loco?
To be fair, you are only looking at the pantheon of Exponent’s questionable conclusions, to the exclusion of what are surely many tens of thousands of rock-solid studies, such as:
The ticket purchasers probably agreed somewhere along the line not to capture any images and were admonished that everything that could be seen, heard, smelled, or tasted was UFC property.
That’s good advice.
You mean, “Oh, oh, oh, ..... oh, my fucking GodddddddDDD!!!”
Raising $8,000 + in a Kickstarter campaign may sound like an honest way to turn a buck, but with the proceeds being a direct result of robberies, for god’s sake, it acquires that gamey smell of scam, like pseudo-charitable fundraising campaigns cooked up by boiler room bosses that manage to appear just this side of…
Have you slung weed on street corners? If not, aren’t you calling the kettle black?
Here’s a thought experiment.
Diana - As a commenter noted (in connection with Jennings’ investigation of FIFA), the document requests to Tennessee you set in motion were a good example of using public document laws to get to revealing documents.
Think US mail, wire, and bank fraud.....
Yes, it sounds like JW will spill the beans and most of his guts before this is all over.
Yes, requesting public documents is participatory, not a spectator, sport.
What a find! A+
I'd guess perplexed Deadspin readers are among the website visitors counted among the 40,000 activists.
Don't forget the activist vendors selflessly selling 4 No More Beer Coaster for $26 + shipping. They're sacrificing, too.
Have the purple ribbon folks cried "uncle" — or does No More manage both logos?
I don't think you can expect much from a domestic violence logo-awareness campaign that traffics in beer coasters.