
She was on the tramadone, I imagine the body was pushing out pills. That wine was probably home brew as well.

But he would know, thats his character, he'd have a huge music collection whereas Madeline would just hum along to what ever was on the radio at the time. Its clever writing.

Underground is someone who still has to push trolleys at the supermarket to support their music career, Sade has never had to push a trolley.

I would say with good certainty that more white people own Sade albums than black. She was failry big in the late 80's, toured Aussie several times and it was't "black people" buying the tickets.

So the Rod Stewart version of Downtown train wasn't commercial? He wrote a song for the Eagles remember?

I thin Bowie was playing silly buggars as the movie version had been released as a single. Records were expensive in those days and you felt he was taking us for a ride.

that Dementia can be cruel.

SO the av boards today, we have comments that the sex pistols weren't actually that good and that I should now be liking nickelback? Whats happening around here, time I started ordering you guys off my lawn.

He certainly turned around that boring hippy band Genesis and got them ticking over in the right direction, lots of three minute singles about illegal aliens and old white guys not being able to dance. Superb stuff and not a note out of place. Pity he hasn't been able to aspire for more masterpieces like "both sides

It was chasing a style rather than setting it. The rest of the album is barely three songs dragged out to its boring conclusion, "ohhh I'm a rock star feel pity for me" load of nonesence. by the way, Punk is good and the pistols were right at the top of it.

His father maybe? We haven't heard that one before?

He made more than NZ's GDP when he toured the wall here, I don't think he's short of a buck or two. The royalties from all those floyd tribute bands would be enough to keep him lighting the fire with 10 pound notes for a while yet.

'They knew who he was from the get go though didn't they. All part of Swayze's Sun Zu keep your enemies close philosophy.

I like 'em. Now we've had the tripec of '80's influenced albums their next step should be fascinating. I'm hoping for a shoegazing space rock album or a four sided solo double.

Jumped the shark with the second season. Colmans' character in particualr asked you to suspend belief as she went from a traffic warden to somehow get back as part of a murder inquiry. Lets hope the break has done the show runners well and the last series will be looked upon as the difficult 2nd album.

joining this discussion late I know but no mention of the similarities between the murder scenes with the tate murders, specifically the chasing the guy beside the pool and .stabbing him. I was waiting for the blood words on the door.

Satan drives a car? Is it a 6 miles to gallon behemoth of a machine or just a 1.5 litre hatch?

Is it a best of books list though or as they say, a collection of favourite books they had to read to review for the music buffs reading the av club? I'm sure the real list must be tomorrow?

I struggle with it. I know Linklater gets a pass around here whatever he does but really the characters were just plain arseholes. We're we supposed to enjoy their company? You get the feeling the director was looking in on this crowd himself and wishing he was part of it.

gotta get those genx's in here somehow.