
You sure the crowd wasn't just calling out for his 70's hits?

What no 80's Billy Joel? Thats his best stuff!

The crazy guy is funny, "kill all the golfers?" Eating the Mars bar, the cinderella kid, all classics.

I'm thinking there's a generational chasm at work here. I'm still getting over last weeks comment about Weezer having a comeback tour 17 years ago. Based on that whats a comeback now? Kate Perry?

You don't like caddyshack? I think you're on the wrong web site or have standards changed around here?

I watched a NASA documentary on this once and the theory was that some schoolchild in Russia most probably wrote a letter asking for shuttle info and NASA put the plans in an envelope and mailed it to them. I remember doing the same as a kid in NZ in the '70's and I got of tonne of stuff back, posters, leaflets,

Yacht rock baby! Long may those melodious bass lines rule.

and balls.

The church had their first hit in 1981, unguarded moment.

Just a shadow? Never heard it?

close but no cigar, you'd say

Blur had a decade of hits, DelAmitri had more than one hit as well, "kiss this thing goddbye" comes to mind. I was waiting on a discussion on how awful that 4 non-blondes song is, every alt, protest song cliche read out line after line and then a god-awful chorus. I'm sure she was taking the piss and must have been

reeling in the years, opening solo? Surely one of the top five of the 20th century.

Has Neil Young listened to that Tennis song? Seems very close to "Lotta Love". Is that what songwriting is nowdays?

AV club should be the home of Iggy Pop, all other music sucks

when's he going to make a movie version of "ouch my balls" that was comedy gold.

Yep but she's talented.

but hang on, he wasn't going to let Renata husband off for his behaviour in the cafe. Is that the strong male figure or was he being a dick for carrying it on. I don't think any of the male characters come out of this well.

so the black angels is a keeper, the rest not so?

you read current interviews from Summer and it appeared to be a shock to him, makes you wonder if musicians ever read the lyrics.