“Cher tells unjustly fired school guard: I got you, babe” would also score the points.
“Cher tells unjustly fired school guard: I got you, babe” would also score the points.
Lets are really useful for stabilizing your core, I don’t find them useful myself as I don’t push my max much but for many people they’re vital when lifting hundreds of pounds as that core support is really needed. Furthermore, if you already have lower back issues gear in itself is very useful just to keep you…
Whenever it feels more comfortable using one than not using one. For me that is usually around the point of 75-80% of my one rep max. Belts help me push my one rep max further than I can get without one. But. Important. If you really don’t like weightlifting belts and have no trouble with the lifts: don’t use one. I…
If it’s crushing your internal organs, it’s too tight. It should be snug, but not tight, when you stand normally. Once you’re ready to lift, you ‘breathe into your stomach’ to push your abs into the belt, which helps to brace your core and give you more stability.
Depends on the belt, those thick usually leather powerlifting belts don’t so much support your back as give your abs something to push against in big full body movements like deadlift and squat, which in turn helps you push higher weights. Right time to start using one probably depends on the person, as a pretty…
only needed if you havent done abs in decades....no core strength can f your back up if your curling heavy or squating....abs are your center of balance, without that...you got a big fat gut...you need support.
That weird thing is me. I might be drowning in my own sweat and wheezing like an asthmatic, but I'm doing my best.
Upon learning that the tarantula wasn’t a deal-breaker, my two sons have asked for your address and preferred Mother’s Day gift. My wife is taking it remarkably well.
Actually, his buddy chose both, and his buddy is Evgeny Kuznetsov.
i have not thought through the monetary repercussions of my action
No one is scared of what the president says. No one.
We stand on the shoulders of giants. I can only be where I am because of people like Rep. Cummings. Rest in peace, sir; may we prove to be worthy of your efforts.
“Most people who are hating on you, they are not worried about where you are. They’re worried about where you’re going.” -Elijah Cummings
This is where we are as a nation: One of the most respected, important members of Congress has passed away and people are scared of what the *president may say about him. We know the GOP are a collection of spineless losers but they too should keep Elijah Cummings name out of their mouths. The man stood up on…
Doh! Ha!
It looked like some kind of, I don’t know, fire drill perhaps?
Watching the team try to form some sort of coherent offensive strategy last night was like watching a monkey try to fuck a football. At a basic level you understand what it’s trying to do, but in the end it’s just confusion and embarrassment for everything involved.
I’d say Trump proves once again he’s at best deranged, at worst a psychopath, but I’d hate to be accused of incivility.
Looking forward to him blaming someone other than himself in trying to explain away this dumpster fire. I mean shit, its not like they knew the stance the parents were already in before trying this moronic thing. The whole reason they came here was to try to make the legal system send her to the fucking UK.