I went with the elliptical years ago after too much focus on just the stationary bike. What I do to make the elliptical more challenging is never, ever support myself with my arms. I basically run on the machine and feel that this engages my core for balance. I also do a lot of arm movement (speed bag, rows, twisting…
Its the right call bcuz Pensburg lost heh
If they still have a timeout left from a game played in a previous month. On a Tuesday. A home game, but that goes without saying, of course.
Or she throat punches him
What the hell was the idiot coming back for at the end of the clip, a swift kick in the nuts?
If the ladies would just stay away
I found "none of the above" in my workout routine 😁 so it will continue to be sans-belt for this old white man.
At what point should one actually wear a weight belt anyway? They are god-awfully uncomfortable and probably are crushing your internal organs just a much as “protecting” your back. Clearly I am asking this as a non-powerlifter type, so please consider that perspective before dropping plates on my head. Thank you.
Same. This is great stuff and I enjoy The Root but overall the mother ship seems lacking post-Splinter.
RIP Mr. Cummings and may we all find the courage to heed your call. You were right, we are better than this. But few were as good as you, sir.
Evgeny Kusnetsov got suspended 3 games for not being terminally cute, apparently
The whole thought process of “hey let’s go back to the beginning of the hand off zone by RUNNING THE WRONG WAY and then act like this never happened” just hurts my brain. I do not wish to walk in their shoes, in order to have empathy, because I would have a seizure trying to mentally process what in the hell they…
Well that matched sure seemed busted, so...
Why was the keeper dabbing as that ball floated over his head?
Disappeared just like a rat down a sewer hole
Sorry, any chance to say that, I just have to take it.
What a nice boost to the attendance for the local team. Hopefully the enthusiasm doesn’t Petr out.