
That would be true, except in reality all we did was use Thottbot.

Quest objects and points of interest are not tracked on the map or minimap

Oh my god, it is possible to care about more than one thing at a time! Jesus H.

So weird. I remember when I worked in Japan, one of the men in the office got married and changed his name to his wife’s. He was one of several male children, and she was an only child, so they did it to carry on her family name.

It also speaks to the fact that this is a family of terrorists.

Now if only it would change it to aluminium!

I know I’m supposed to look at the middle headline, but I can’t get past “Woman Leads Fight On Laundry Gangs To End Terrorism”

Good beer comes in cans too! We all must suffer.

I’m glad to know she’s making money off being hilarious AF. I DIED when she was like, “Oh, hi, Jimmy,” and then went back to talking to Chadwick.

That’s Shalewa Sharpe! She’s a comic in NYC and I HIGHLY recommend you checking her out. She’s just the best, on and off stage.

And they are dancing to Tragically Hip (Canada’s Band). RIP Gord. That alone is enough to make them amazing.

“I want ice cream.” = “Immigrants are rapists and murderers.”

The thing that always bugs me about taxes is that I, being single, can never be head of household. Who the fuck is the head of my household. Or is my household some nebulous, leaderless thing. Either let single people be the head of our households or eliminate the title altogether.

On the radio this morning they suggested changing it to Gord.

The simple solution is a rainbow flag with a poppy in the centre.

Hmm, I prefer to call our Trumps ‘Albertans’...

Actually the opposite! It means that they felt secure enough to explore the world. So good job :)

Please give me the strength. I’m browsing Jezebel from the bathroom I’m pretending to need to use while avoiding A Required Family Event.

thank you <3 This is a really bummer time. It’s good to know I’m not alone. If I have to hear ONE more “..But she’s your mother!” I’m going to throw things.