Right, but he was never a member of the X-Men (he was a member of X-Factor though).
I’m so tired of fake geekboys.
And by the way one of the characters, Quicksilver, he shouldn’t be in the Avengers. He’s actually a part of the X-Men.
LOLOLOL. Women?! Children?! Not for you!!! No! Only for my white heterosexual man viewing! P.S: Plenty of 9 year olds know what MCU stands for.
Well, if they fought to the death, one could argue that we would all win.
Not to defend the idiocy, but some Thai/Vietnamese/Chinese/Japanese places do cross the borders and offer food from all over Asia if not the world. One of my fave Thai places in Naples, Florida has great sushi. And my fave Chinese place has great french fries and chicken tenders.
My garter fell off on the stairs on the way to the ladies’ toilets during the reception. An old gentleman who was staying at the hotel, but wasn’t a wedding guest, brought it to me sheepishly saying “I think this might be yours”.
Those look AMAZING
Yes, I’ve had friends say, “It would never happen to me.” and I say, “Yeah, me neither, except it did.”
“Forgive me please, but that’s what you get when you play with people’s emotions.”
Baked potato and a breadstick is an appropriate snack.
The only crime I see here is the vertical video.
Yeah, look, this is a posed video. You didn’t just fish your phone out as fast as you could to start shooting. There is no goddamn excuse for it being in portrait mode.
I will never forget a conversation I had with my father years ago when he was making sure I knew what a disappointment I was to him that I had achieved so little. To hammer his point home he referenced his savvy real estate investments and how come I wasn’t “like that”. In his mind since he was able to do it,…
My husband and I really loved our cake toppers - yes plural, we had two. The one on top of the cake was a couple whose skin and hair color was customizable, which was important to us as I didn’t want a default white couple representing us on our cake. And the pose we picked ismeaningful to us, as my husband is always…
A moose ate him.