
Absolutely. I work in a high stress job (health care) and my mental health has been shitty. (Like, I got home after almost having a panic attack at work and my brain suggested I not turn the car off).

I love her for this. There’s nothing that makes me more pissed off than politicians giving a non answer to a question. It’s even worse when it’s a yes or no question.

I just have my phone on DND when i’m sleeping (I work shift work).
I don’t even have priority calling. If there’s an emergency I’ll find out eventually.

My uncle grabbed my hair and tried to foce me to drink wine when I said no thank you. I should have reported the motherfucker for assault.

Will she say “See ya later!”? it’s less permanent than goodbye.

I’ll take “One of the reasons I left advertising” for $500 please, Alex.

But will it bring an end to people at workplaces having biggest loser events?

I had a hysterectomy almost 5 weeks ago and I’ve been off work, on doctor’s orders, since. One more week off work and then back to work.

Your ETA is why I can never ever work in any environment that forces me to dress my gender or wear makeup. I feel like a cat in a puddle. And I think it’s bullshit. And so sad that we have to do this.

Holy crap, that was amazing.

Unless you have allergic reactions to the bites. Some mosquito species give me welts the size of quarters without my even touching the bites D:

Yay! Ace represent. or, as I like to call it, mehsexual.

Yep, this. I have a bunch of friends I call the misfit queers. Trans, Bi, Pansexual, polysexual, Ace. (I’m Ace, demigirl). We don’t fit the neat little packages and are told we don’t exist. We do exist. We participate in pride and we also have amazing get togethers :D

I moved to Saskatchewan and at one point I lived in Thunder Bay. I didn’t think the racism could be worse than in Thunder Bay.

Undercooked brownies.

I know a lot of people who claim not to be racist, but express worry when I bought a house on my street because “They” live on my street. They being indigenous people.

For what it’s worth, I also have bad teeth. I had braces, and then when my wisdom teeth were removed it undid a bunch of my orthodontic work :(

I have been told this by all my uterus-free friends <3

My pain is so bad during my period that the pills my Gyne has given me to hold me off until the surgery (And I am only to take them during my period) cut the pain and bleeding just enough that I can function.

Otherwise I’m absolutely wracked with pain. And I take a day off work. I used to have to take days off school.

I have a friend who has offered up her son for yard work and herself to help me clean and do laundry and get groceries and walk dog. I will be showering them with either food or money or both.