
Not so secret secret. it’s a furry con, I decided to take a break from big comicons this year and just draw fuzzy things. The thing I like best about this con? It’s kind of like a mini dragoncon where things go all night. There’s Karaoke and everything!

I’m going to a nerdy convention 10 says after surgery under the condition that I lift nothing.

After the first escape I finished fencing my yard and he was OK in there for a week and a half. Then he figured out he could get out of a space I didn’t think he could get through.

My dog got out twice and I’m mortified. He’s on puppy probation.

My faves:

Oh, She looks like a little fighter. <3

It is a monumentous occasion. The uterus is coming out. I am having a party with pizza and cake and, as fate is like that, it’s timed with my last period ever.

All the fricking time D:

It’s like the powers that be went “Oh shit, my bad. I hope this helps.”

My creep meter is going haywire at this D:

There’s a guy who works at my local Walmart with Richard Spencer hair and he always glares at me when I’m in the store.

D0gg0 gives love.

I’m a romantic Ace and I’d love to find someone like me. Alas, I’m probably destined to be single forever and I’m OK with that. My friends and I are going to have a nerdy nursing home where we play Halo and D&D and stuff.

Yeah, I’m less killy this week. Which is funny because my uterus is deciding to make the last two periods I ever have miserable, I’m sure.

Evening Jezzies!

Sending you all of the warm vibes. Hang in there, little girl!

My doggo. Exhausted after chasing ALL of the balls.

What the actual fuck?

I’m getting a hysterectomy. I’m 42. I thought being 40 would stop the comments. it didn’t.

Oh my god, that’s terrible :(