Post mortem: bad for my mental health, not going to family gatherings for a while. I can’t be in the same room as such hateful speech.
Post mortem: bad for my mental health, not going to family gatherings for a while. I can’t be in the same room as such hateful speech.
I have one and it’s great! I need to take it out.
I let my dog in the kitchen because that’s where he eats and we have to go through the kitchen to get other places, but I sweep/vacuum at least once a week.
Canadian Thanksgiving dinner!
Hi jezzies. I survived Canadian thanksgiving dinner with my family without using ativan, but I’m surprised.
1000x this. I was a day away from needing Hospitalisation the last time I had the flu. I’ve gotten the shot every year since.
That’s offensive to weasels!
I want to be in this support group.
And it’s not all bandaids. The surgical bandages are the worst. There are some fabric Ikea bandaids that are the best for me, but I still get really red around the edges. When i had my bandages taken off after my gallbladder surgery I had horrible welts where the adhesive was :(
I messaged yooou!
Did he watch “Mike the Knight”? That show is all about a junior mansplainer.
Not without doxxing myself, but if you have an email I can send them to I’d gladly do so. I don’t care if you know who i am, I just don’t want to doxx myself publicly. >.>
All of my on call shifts are in 6 weeks of my 1 week rotation. I’m almost done the stretch. So tired.
Good luck! I hope everything goes well for you :)
I’m doing tiny paintings of tiny things. Like microscopic things. I’m known for my work professionally for a big license, but I’m trying to branch out to be myself. And myself is nerdy science art, apparently.
This is why I work in a hospital and not an office. Scrubs 4 lyfe.
He does the cutest little happy trot, too!
I miss all sorts of things because my hours can be weird. I also do on call shifts, but I’ve decided to sleep at work for those because it’s harder on the dog if I come back and have to leave right away. If the night looks good I’ll come home.
He is SUCH a good dog. I won the dog lottery with him. Now we have to go for a walk. :D I’m sad because I work tomorrow, but such is the life of shift work.
The inevitable death of mosquitoes. At least up here. Die, you little assholes.