
Don't fat shame. There is enough to criticize him about without resorting to that.

or you could say "fuck it!" and be happy. I took this while in Cuba.

Pretty mean-spirited headline considering that Christian made a personal choice that affects no-one. Hell, this very forum dedicates threads - and even entire sub-blogs - to things that could be classified as "vain and cheap".

Seriously, though, what's up with the old-bashing? I'm pretty sure if some other major source complained that nude older women were grosser than young sexy things Jezebel would (rightly) be all over it.

you hear that old white gay men who probably survived the stonewall riot and aids and are now defending a dying subculture against heterosexual gentrification? Your complaints have been written off as white privlege on an Internet blog. I think that means you've made it.

""Hi, I'm plain in feature and certainly overweight, and I'm here to pick up my dry cleaning."

She can't act, so it's good she has that to fall back on.

But....uh.....what does having dated Tupac have to do with her race?

Oh for Christ's sake. No one in their right minds would enjoy some of the shit these women have to put up with. Let's stop pretending it's oh-so-empowering to get anally gangbanged and choke on dicks. I swear to god I am in the wrong wave. What happened to the good old-fashioned marxist feminism of the seventies? When

Until the ostensible "progressive left" and third wavers in particular reject the childish notion that women, no matter who they are or what they do, are sacrosanct, we can never really attack the enterprise of pornography and prostitution for what it is, the paid suspension of a woman's autonomy and sexuality.

I work at a gallery and the first thing my boss ever told me when I was preparing to exhibit some student work was essentially 'Not everybody is going to like your art and if you're not okay with that, you shouldn't exhibit. And either you make art that caters to other people, or you make art for yourself and accept

Thank you. So I guess I'm to assume any sort of sexual act with a black guy is the equivalent of double pen/gagging on a white penis? Like I said, this shit's obnoxious. The more I read about porn the less respect I have for the industry as a whole. At this point, I'm of the mind porn is only feminist for those

Eh, you just laugh at them. I find a good laugh in the face really gets under these types' skin in the best way.

This guy is a complete tool. I love artists who are sophomoric like this with their understanding of art. Whenever faced with adversity their usual defense is, "your not smart / cultured / well read enough to understand it". Sorry no it's because you can't see past your ego which is greater than your talent and so

I had a few problems with AHS.

You know what drives me nuts? All that build up about Stanley's dick..I thought for sure when they went after him they would have made him an attraction that somehow involved his giant dick.

It's like Ryan Murphy went "How can I give these people, whom I've established have nowhere else to go, but are generally good people, a happy ending? I know, I'LL HAVE THEM ALL MURDERED."

Most of you guys are too harsh and take yourselves way too seriously. Why can't you just enjoy it for what it was. I disliked the singing but all in all it was an enjoyable season. I guess I'm different, after all my favorite season was Coven which everyone seems to hate and my least favorite was Asylum which

I still kind of wish Dandy's exit could have been a bit more excruciating for him. Like, they could have gone with Desiree's suggestion and then done the water tank thing? Or maybe I just have problems:D