YayaPapaya Optimus Maximus

I can respect a sex worker.

We have to have Meryl Streep in there somewhere. Maybe guest starring as Betsy DeVos?

I’d like Arnold Schwarzenegger to play Kellyanne Conway.

Inauguration Day has become my “And everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked” day.

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

Kids can make the most emotionally mature person lose their goddamn shit. There’s a sweet spot from 4.5 to about 11-12, where kids are great for the most part.

I’m sure the first few thousand choices were all born and bread

Thank you! I liked coming up with how I want the tables to look, because that’s fun for me. But all the tiny details and the add ons that people INSIST are necessary (save the dates? How can you have a wedding without save the dates!? I don’t even think that’s legal!) aside from that though, yuck. I’m already over

Am I the only one who thinks this is vaguely reasonable? Like, they’re job is to do the shows, and if they don’t want to do this particular show... that’s a fine choice to make but it’s incompatible with the job for apparent reasons. What am I missing?

She failed in getting 270 electoral votes, which is how the presidency is won. The path to 270 is the goal, not the popular vote.

NERD ALERT: I have considered this deeply in the past five minutes and I think Bowie should have been a pretext Eöl (Silmarillion), but I think Weaving was indispensable as Elrond. Time to go spend 12 hours watching the extendeds back-to-back...


Your input IS needed. But so is your empathy. She took the role with full knowledge of the impact it would have on the Asian community. I believe this exchange wasn’t happening in her decision period; it happened after she had already taken the job. Am I mistaken? If Tilda indeed already had the job, she wasn’t

It’s not up to Margaret Cho to alleviate Tilda Swinton’s white guilt.

I suck it up and explain. If a person came to me and asked me how I felt about Moana as a Samoan woman I would be ok with it. Sheesh.

So, Cho’s just gonna whitewash over all that stuff she said?

So when or where does anyone say “make our program great again”? That seems to be your money “quote” and it’s couched in amongst stuff that the players on the video actually said. So, uh, what?

Er, which is it, is Hillary Clinton the top vote-receiver of all time, or is she second to Obama?

Having looked up the numbers: It’s the latter. The top three vote-receivers of all time: #1, Obama. #2, Hillary Clinton. And you know what #3 is? Donald Trump. Yes, that’s right, Trump has ALSO received more votes than

Oh for fuck’s sake.

You are all hypocrites. All of you. Fuck off.

Taiwan is a liberal democratic country (COUNTRY, fuckers) with a democratically elected president (not leader - president, and that’s Doctor President to you). She is a PhD holder who is the first female president of Taiwan and the first democratically

Many white supremacists have never participated directly in violent acts against black people, but if they are mouthing the exact words that people used over the centuries to keep black people down, then it doesn’t really matter, does it?