YayaPapaya Optimus Maximus

Since they are talking about nukes I’m calling it the Fat Man and Little Boy Summit.

I actually wrote a pre-Trump satire in which the outlandish right-wing candidate who got the nomination no one was expecting was obsessed about his hair and that of this paramours (he didn’t actually have sex with them, he just caressed their hair). I was thinking Perry/Blogajaevich but Trump puts them to shame. May

Pendejo and his sidekick Pencedejo.

I experience it more as spite than hate, actually. (Although that is there too, surely; I’d attribute that to a warped adaptation of Christian religion that affords these folks cover for their bigotry against gays, blacks, etc.)

I wish I had doors and walls, not for sexual harassment purposes though... just of naps and maybe the occasional game of Civilization on company time.

The lack of intersectionalism is the biggest problem with feminism. It hinders the gender theories a ton.

That’s just the nature of these things - people are going to overcompensate at first. That sucks, sure, but finding the ‘right’ level takes a bit of time. Men who aren’t sexually harassing people at work at going to ask themselves, “Wait, have I ever been over the line? Am I being too familiar? Let me check myself to

To frame it differently: We should not need to dehumanize people in order to pass moral judgment on them, or more appropriately, their actions. But dehumanization and animus towards the actor are exactly what people think of as their moral judgment. When we rely on retributive instinct to act as our moral compass, we

Maybe we could also get a way for long-time respectful commenters to be taken OUT of the greys so that we’re not put on the same level as trolls?? Just like a clear cut way for real people, who have been a part of this community for years, so that we can understand how to get out of purgatory?

The group organizing our local counter rally is a complete shitshow I know on the day that MANY people are going to show up and lend their bodies to the group (me included), but the infighting now would be comical if it wasn’t just so damn depressing.

Maybe I’m just the dummy here, but I took it as her making fun of the inactive people who think they can ignore the problem?

I love AV1! And to an extent, AV2 for the permanently humiliating “rhino scene”. It tickled my tasteless funnybone, as a dumbshit. I also strongly remember the tuck but took another decade and a half to grok the joke. Layered is the wrong word, but in stages I found out about hemorrhoids, about the vague and

Well, I don’t know Emily Shire and I’m also sick of Jezebel demonising her as well while holding Sarsour up as some kind of martyred saint, so maybe stop trying to dismiss someone’s opinion based on her knowing the person in question. I don’t think Sarsour is a terrorist the way the far right try to portray her but I

I also support the right of Jews to self-determination. But as a Jewish ethno-nationalist state, Israel cannot uphold equal rights. That is a fact. So the question then, is, can a Jewish state exist that doesn’t systematically violate basic human rights?

Yeah, it is a problem. There are also all sorts of really specific things like the mixers that law firms hold for potential new hires... nothing to do with their actual academic ability, but everything to do with whether you can display the right socioeconomic markers. The question then becomes how can you equip

The discourse on health care policy options in the US is far too limited.

I’m so glad for your daughter. I was a gifted child, reading (really reading) at 2, hyperlexic always, my IQ was in the 99th percentile, near perfect SAT/ACT scores, scholarships to college. I dropped out a few weeks before graduation because I couldn’t handle any of it any longer... and knew I didn’t need a degree

Like you I also tapered milligram by milligram and didn’t see a difference in terms of withdrawal symptoms.

I love Charlize’s acting but when she says stuff in real life, it’s often just this side of bizarre. Like she walks right up to the line, sticks a toe across it, but doesn’t really commit to full on batshit.

Amen. I am an immigrant who came here on a student visas, and then went through the H1-B employment process (which in itself is again being attacked too) to FINALLY get my green card after about 13 years of being an entirely law-abiding, tax-paying, employed legal alien in this country. It was rough, but I had it easy