Yitzhak Shtarker

Thanks, just watched it - and my original sentiment still stands (seeing Jimmy Fallon didn't help any). It was much better than most WU segments I've seen over the last few years (but then again it had Tina and Seth on it, so - duh!!)

Content not availale in my location, so I'll have to take your word on it being good. But - correct me if I'm wrong - isn't SNL that show that gave joke candidate Trump a whole hour to play "presidential Donald" in front of millions of voters? Becase, if "yes" - fuck SNL.

This is absolutely not the case here. He gave information (a lot) about each piece, and his reasoning for its placing, and I came away from it with lots of new insights (though I still can't understand the hate for Atom Heart mother).

Page's Since I've Been Loving You and Gilmour's Comfortably Numb are in my top 3, but Steve Howe's solo in Yes's Yours Is No Disgrace is my all-time favourite. Not a "solo", per se - the thing is more like Paganini riding a freakin' roller coaster!

Never read the books or watched any of the TV, was always sure this was "girly stuff". Decided to watch after reading this review, and - Boy, am I glad I did! The girl was magnificent, and I just love Dr. Ludmilla Kropotkin!

Did I ever tell you the story of my American cousin, Shoshana? Born in Poland just before the Nazi invasion, family escaped to Russia where her father died in the Gulag, survived some horrific shit and ended up in Israel, in 1956 migrated to the US, where she made a very good life for herself. Which brings us to the

Yup, this is the one that broke me. Can't beleve I wasted six hours on that turd… And now I'm really, really worried about The Defenders.

Hey, hey, HEY!! He's the president, he doesn't have to do nothing he doesn't feel like doing! Says it right there, in the konstintooshen!

Best news I've heard in months! In trying times like these it's important to be able to keep some perspective; Donald Trump might not be everything we've hoped for, but there are also people like Greggg Turkington out there - mean, petty, small-minded peole, people who cannot (or would not) recognize true artistic

(Better Off Ted + Andy Richter Controls The Universe)* x (I hate zombie movies/TV)=???

Exactly how do you "make Trump seem even more incoherent than usual"? Cannot be done, should never be attempted. Think of the children…!

First of all: don't know what it's like in the US, but we have some great kosher wine in Israel.
Second point: Kashrut is a fucking scam. It's all about power (well, also, scamming God: "hey, I didn't turn on that oven on Shabbes! It was that automatic thingummy! It got the rabbi's seal of approval and all!"). But it

Yeah, well - he dead. so…

St. Peter can be surprisingly good at playing the intimidating bully - see Shaun oTD or this bit from his show (https://www.youtube.com/wat…. Could be fun if he breaks this out here (short bursts only).
Question: not being American and not having access to Amazon streaming - is there a way for me to get this legaly?

Would love to get into a deep intellectual discussion of this point with you, but I suspect life is too short.

Oh, yeah, I was practically foaming at the mouth at that bogus "resolution"… luckily, the series never did any worse than this.

I've enjoyed this series tremendusely, and was indeed willing to accept most irrational actions by the heroes as a function of the immense distress they are in, but that scene at the forest really pissed me off. This was the worst kind of horror trope: two characters walking in a dark forest, at night, very much aware

Very much so. When I watched the first series I remember being rather bewildered at his facial mugging, which I felt was a bit over the top, but then Drumpf exploded into our lives, and all of a sudden what seemed like over-acting became a brilliant satire…

Why do you hate America?