Yitzhak Shtarker

Great news! Just… PLEASE!!!… No singing.

I liked all of the 3 lead grandparents, but I would have liked at least a glimpse of a clown gramps… You dropped the ball on this one, Corddry!

Good thing I'm at the bottom, because I really hated this episode. Maybe it was because of no Holt to counter-balance the OTT enthusiasm - though this season he's been getting too much into the hi-jinx for my taste. I love JManz, would love to have him as a regular, but, again - too OTT… Also: I don't really expect

Well, no - there was some pretty great stuff (the criminally short-lived "The Peter Serafinowicz Show" being one of them) - but it WAS pretty awesome. I rushed to buy the second season DVD, but it was a bit of a let-down. They got that 70's BBC vibe perfectly, but it just felt like it was trying too hard. First seaon,

I'm with Cerusee on this. Watched because of Brie, and she was great; really liked the movie, and actually liked JS in it.

Oh god, I hope it's not the kid's girlfriend!

"…Villainous toy-company head"? Are we talking about the same "Big"?

Oops… Thanks. And I hope that turns out to be the case. Sleeping with the widower of the woman she killed seems like such a horrible thing to do - and for him to accept - I'm hoping for anything to make it easier to resolve.

No coincidence - she was stalking him in the first episode, and now we know why.


I don't need no frakking closure - I just want IT back!
But, yeah, I'll take what I can get.

Agreed. "The yes Album" was really the last step before the run of truly great 6 albums that was to follow, and the writing is very uneven. Still, "Yours is No Disgrace" alone was worth the price of purchase…

For all the people bitching about the "nonsensical new-age lyrics" (and there are sure to be more than just Mr. Oates):  look up the translation to some of the most revered operas out there; they may not be "new-age"y, but "nonsensical" would be a compliment. Jon Anderson was no Dyllan (or even a Springsteen), but his