
She actually totally does a different character on Gravity Falls, which although is a cartoon on Disney Channel has a lot of sneaky adult jokes and is like the Simpsons meets X-Files/Twin Peaks, so I cannot recommend it enough. Also Bob's Burgers, but everyone knows about that show already.

God she is so adorable, I love Kristen Schaal. I binge watched all of that show yesterday, despite the quality kind of petering off fairly quickly. Anyone else watch it and have strong thoughts on it?

It's Coco! I knew I recognized her from somewhere!

I've never been so embarrassed in my life.

YOU SPEAK? (I'm sorry, you have a totally valid point and this whole situation is bizarre and disgusting, but I'm so used to being delighted by your mysteriously word-free posts.)

It's gonna come down to Netflix vs Sex, mark my words.

Ohhhhhhh SNAP! You guys, I'm so excited!

Hm, I do have medicaid so maybe I'll look into finding a reasonably okay therapist. My new dude seems like he'd be receptive to a conversation like that, I just have to work up the courage to open up to him about it. I know it's bound to happen eventually, I'm just scared of my crazy rearing up. He's already seen

They're being obnoxious even within the comments here. Spoilers, spoilers as far as the eye can see. What is with these dicks?

I should have known better than to read the pending comments on this post. And now to bleach my brain.

Oh boy, after yesterday's Pissing Contest and now this post I'm having some fun (UGLY) memories rear up. Mainly that I've been on both sides of this issue.

Fucking get it gurl.

Madeleine, you beautiful monster you! Never change! And also

Cadbury Mini Eggs are my fucking JAM! I know my period is impending because I'm craving them like crazy and usually I can avoid fiending for those until closer to April.

I'm in New York, everyone can hang out with me.

Yep. I think this is my biggest beef with the look. It's just not flattering for her eye style/face. Makes her eyes look small and beady, which we know they aren't.

I love glitter, the more the better. But the super bright eye shadow isn't working for me, at least on JLo. I dunno, her makeup never impresses me. She kind of always looks washed out lately.

It's very 7th grade dance in the early 2000s, I'll give you that.

I'm dead.