I mean to be fair, Fish Guy would think Cat Singular is a small snack and proceed accordingly, so really it’s anyone’s game.
I mean to be fair, Fish Guy would think Cat Singular is a small snack and proceed accordingly, so really it’s anyone’s game.
What a ghastly image! I have to read this! (Super off-topic, sorry!)
That’s beautiful. I got shivers.
RIGHT? Thank you.
Please keep this gargoyle far away from my town.
I hate how much I love it. It looks like a theme park though... or a restaurant. Not a place I could comfortably fart around 10 hours a day.
This story (whether it’s true, embellished, or 100% lies) sent me down a wormhole at the website for Howling Woods Farm in New Jersey, a sanctuary for rescued domestic bred wolves and wolf-dog hybrids that I’ve been aching to visit for like two years now. Check out this SAVAGE ATTACK:
Re: the Dream Nightmare Team Dourtney: I thought they had broke up? Or was that just a hopeful fever dream?
Those dance parties sound amazing! Any chance you’re located in New York? ;O
Man, I’m gonna be in the minority here, but I thought the video was cute. They look like they’re having fun. I know I look like a jackass when I’m dancing. Except I have rhythm and I make it look good lololol. B)
Thank you for introducing me to Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. I’m an assistant in a personal injury law firm and this just made my morning.
It’s always a good time to watch Ghost.
Veeeeery tempted to name a roach after my ex. But send myself the chocolates.
Is no one going to mention that there was already a movie? A damn good one albeit very VERY (and understandably) depressing. Black Venus.
Eddie Redmayne and his wife Hannah Bagshawe are expecting a baby.
I always feel bad picking out makeup mistakes on celebs because lord knows I have my FAIL moments too, but like... gurl YOU’RE RICH. Use that “Call Me Maybe” money for a professional makeup artist. Dang.