
Pretty much all of my celebrity crushes have always been weird. Fry from Futurama, Charlie from Always Sunny, Richard Harrow from Boardwalk Empire... I need to work on my standards.

Oh yes, I got super obsessed with the series after I bought that first volume, so I can't regret the trip entirely. Just being nice enough to interact with that weirdo.

Is that a thing that happened on that show? Because if so then I have even less respect for the guy (not that there was a ton to begin with). A weird gross idea is one thing, a weird gross idea ripped off from a TV show is just sad.

Oh my god, I remember meeting a guy like that who drew the same exact comic (and tried to convince me and my friend to buy it) when I was hanging out at an indie comic book shop in the West Village. I ended up getting Fables, so it wasn't a total loss, but EW. Either there's numerous weirdos that like making shitty


Yeah man I was just thinking about today, how good my cats have it. No job searches, no worries about getting a beach body, no anxieties at all, they just get to sleep all day. I wouldn't mind that life.

I know the cat is being treated well and her family is raking in the big bucks because of her sourpuss, but I can't help feeling bad. My cats sometimes get bitchy resting face and I know they're sweet mushes. I bet she's really chill and sweet in person.

I feel your pain. I love reading all these meet cutes, but at the same time it kind of bums me out because I'm currently single and all the relationships I've had so far have been initiated by me and were never this adorable.

I've just been like "Watch out world, here comes Thunder Thighs! LOUD AND PROUD!"

Not all cats can be Hero Cat.


A myriad of reasons! I go to the gym and can't fit in long leggings so I wear capris or shorts and I don't need more reasons to feel paranoid of the svelte ladies there judging me. It's summer and I'm dedicated to wearing shorts this year rather than hiding my cellulite in hot jeans and I don't want to feel self

Toothless is especially great because he has some cat-like behaviors that make him extra adorable.

Toothless is the best! I want a giant Toothless plushie to hug and squeeze.

For a moment I read that as Prince Harry has had a sexy Brazilian.

That fake casting call story is fucked up. Not only is it a massive waste of money, but all those hopeful actors that got humiliated instead.

God I cannot handle how adorable Patrick Stewart is.

I almost miss my ladies only gym (even though it was a schlep to get there) because there were always a lot of old ladies and ladies of varied sizes and they all changed in the locker room. The gym I currently go to, albeit more conveniently located, seems to be populated by 20 somethings and teenagers who never

It's a good voice, I'll give you that. But the face just throws me off.