
Oh thank goodness. I can't handle secondhand embarrassment, haha.

Oh man were these guys in on the joke or not? They didn't seem like they were acting. They looked genuinely confused and pissed off. This was both funny and awkward to watch. I love Vanessa Bayer though.

Dude, her scene in the Soviet cartoon always made me cry as a kid. Still does, haha. I'm so frustrated with how much they changed the story. I mean as much as I love a good romcom, that's not what The Snow Queen was about.

SO GOOD! Man I love this movie. The Snow Queen was a great villain, too. They don't make 'em like this anymore.

Okay not to be a nitpicker but in the original story the boy being rescued isn't the heroine's brother, but her best friend. It's a story about platonic love, which makes it even more powerful in my opinion.

Ugh yeah, I tried to block that part out. But that makes sense. Poor poor guy. :(

Oh yeah, I remembered reading about that. I just figured since this show generally doesn't shy away from depicting gory gratuitous stuff like surgeries, we would've seen it. BUT YIKES THAT IS AWFUL. Thanks, though.

Okay, the LaLaurie torture stuff was really repulsive on so many levels, but I have a possibly dumb question. As far as the bull's head bit goes, did she like... surgically attach it on the poor guy's head? Because to me it looked like it just got popped on there. Couldn't Marie Laveau have just like... yanked it

Thank you for this comment. It makes me feel so much better about none of my ex's dumb hipster intellectual friends keeping in touch with me anymore.

I wavered in my feelings for Skyler. Just like I did with all the other important characters. You know, because of good writing and acting.

That apology is horse shit. I'm sorry, but this situation reminds me so much of what was going on between me and my ex. He was all about maintaining the illusion that he was single and making new female friends left and right and being all up in their business on Facebook and doing intimate one on one hang outs with

That seriously sounds like the best thing. I wish I could watch this doc.

Yeah meanwhile I'm over here like "yessss, go go, shoo ye hipster transplants and let the natives have the work again!"

Yeah I kinda saw it coming once I started reading the books and realized how much crappier the show was about to get.

Wow I never knew that detail about True Blood's costumes. That's pretty cool. Too bad I stopped watching after it got too wacky and weird for me.

Meuh, I dunno... her ass sounded kinda weaksauce when she spoke in the trailer. Terrible inauthentic accents drive me insane.

Who are also all incredibly tall and thin. I spotted one shorter heavier woman all the way in the back during one of the group scenes. I bet the videographer was purposely trying to avoid getting her in, lest it ruin this image of beautiful perfect people partying.

See, we can be just as manipulative and scheming as the cats.

My cat does the same thing. The stalking AND the talking. She won't shut up. Although yesterday I was feeling cold and crappy and out of it and she climbed onto my boobs while I was watching something on the computer and proceeded to be a warm ball of purrs.

Jesus, it's hypnotizing.