
I would try it. Oh god would I try it.

Ugh, shudder.

Yeesh. I got seven seconds in and had to stop. Sorry but no.

I keep telling myself when I'm rich and famous one day I'll be able to afford a stylist (and proper dental work and laser hair removal and a personal gym trainer) but at the rate I'm going career-wise, maybe it's better for me to just learn to make myself pretty.

Man, this is off topic but HER HAIR. Argh. My hair is like that after a haircut for a few days and then it just poofs out and gets all kinds of stupid. What I wouldn't do to be able to maintain a style like that consistently!

She's a lover, not a fighter.

My cat got into one fight with a mouse back when she was a kitten and she got her ass handed to her. Luckily that was still enough of a warning and our mouse problem quickly disappeared.

Aw, so many twee yet troubled attractive young white people. :|

I'm sorry about your cat. Three years old is so young for a cat. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I hope you have a lot of sweet memories to hold onto. Sending you internet hugs.

I'm lucky I have an Overprotective Jewish Mother™ who doesn't want me to ever fly the coop, even when I talk about possibly moving to LA with a friend and making my movie-making dreams come true. She wants her precious bubby to stay in the basement as long as possible. Which is fine by me. I talk to all the film…

Checked out the blog and wow I can definitely relate to some of this stuff! Maybe I'll comment and share my woes later when I'm not two seconds away from running out of the house.

And getting the right people to like you? I'm not entirely sure what the right formula is. I was a Jezebel reader/commenter since before Kinja, back when the star system was a thing. I was never one of the cool kids back then either.

Mkay I might give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion!

Huh, the last invite thread was in June. That's kind of a bummer.

Yeaaaaah, I don't really have time for that. I mean I'm on Jezebel and Groupthink pretty often, browsing for interesting threads while I'm bored on tumblr or facebook, but I never seem to be around for those all important add on posts. Just my luck. :\

Ah, right on then. I'll keep my eyes peeled. Thanks!

So Groupthink is following me now but I still can't make new posts there. Does it just mean my comments will be black from now on in there?

Yeah so I've seen, I just gotta get out of my shell already.

Yeah, this new system is confusing. But okay I'll give it a shot. Just gotta creep on your comments for a moment.

No I know what you're saying. I do lurk and follow threads and sometimes comment, but I often feel awkward jumping in, especially when it's a topic I don't have much advice on.