There is not a doubt in my mind that he did this.
There is not a doubt in my mind that he did this.
Although it would be quite poetic if it was nature or a pollution-related mishap that causes his demise, I also hope it either happens sooner than later and that he winds up penniless before the end (lawsuit of some kind, perhaps).
Probably made sure to steal his coworker’s fav mug too.
Fuck this guy.
So, we get one complete twat...and make no mistake about it, Scott Pruitt is a complete twat...only to be replaced by another complete twat! Where does it end with the Merkin Muppet administration?
“The Agency is exercising its enforcement discretion in 2018 and 2019.”
Ass cancer that curiously shows up on his lips, and in his mouth and throat?
After that, Scott cleaned out the EPA building’s furniture, light fixtures, light bulbs, carpeting, office supplies, and any other damn thing that wasn’t nailed down.
I hope he gets cancer and dies a miserable death.
That’s remarkably naive, anonymous bro.
The only group of people in the U.S. capable of absolutely terrorizing every other group of people is whites, because that is the largest group in the country. Whites are most of congress (see also: have the most power), whites are 99% of presidents we’ve had, whites own the majority of businesses, mostly whites voted…
Cheney IS the reaper.
Well at least she wasn’t kneeling! So maybe she still respects the flag and apple pie!
Goddamn it. “Growing Extremism on the Left”?
Yeah, I saw this story and thought “this lady had enough and just snapped, and had to do something dramatic to show she couldn’t stand taking children from their parents.” When conservatives snap they just shoot up a crowd, or drive a car into a crowd, or find some way to start harming others.
To them Protests are equivalent to violence. We climb a statue that proudly proclaims ‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’ because of their acts…
Dear god that is the dumbest, whitest set of names I’ve ever seen.
Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson has a cooler name than his brother,
Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson.
“People can spend their entire lives hearing their own opinions repeated back to them. Conservatives can spend their entire waking day on conservative websites. Liberals the same. And there’s something bad about that. It’s good to be challenged. It’s good to hear your own assumptions thrown back in your face once in…