
Shit, I keep getting those confused. Good news is that my wife is still happy either way. Bad news, my lunch is a mess.

I saw my Dad with a Daily Mail once and I wondered if we should have a family intervention but it turns out they were doing an offer on a DVD or something. He voted Remain so I think he’s still good.

A sandwich without avocado is not a sandwich.

Fun fact! You can sing “Vagina Dentata” to the tune of “Hakuna Matata”. It totally goes!

The Pontiac Sunfire is a car for a person not hip enough to drive a Saturn.

Well - it burns for 230 hours. If you think about it as $2 / hour it’s cheaper than a massage!

Antonio and Scott would make a great couple

A lot of relationships, in general, don’t work out. And you don’t always hear about the open ones that do work out because a lot of couples keep that stuff on the down low.

Evan Rachel Wood nailed it.

“at a Pepsi event celebrating World Emoji Day.”

This sentence makes my orifices bleed.

“Can’t You Hear Me Knocking...You Up?”

But I don’t have a “computer”. Is that one of the new Pokémon?

She’s not wearing makeup in that pic. This is what she usually looks like

“Go prepared with supplies”

I thought it was pretty strange when I first heard it. Of course Takei is a well-known gay activist, but Trek is also pretty well-known for avoiding LGBT issues (at least in the main series), and Generations confirmed that the character had at least one heterosexual relationship and had a daughter.

Well personally my only regrets in the past were not jumping on a ticket when I had the chance....with one exception. Titanic— such a stodgy, poorly staged, full of technical gaffes, memorable song- less production I am sad to say I payed full price for in center orchestra. By the end I couldn’t wait for that big ship

So far the window is about 6-8 months ahead so that’s about right, thanks! Did they announce the Hedwig lead?

I was in SF to see something else and I remember asking one of the Curran theater Box office workers when the Tix will be on sale and she said “It doesn’t matter, you won’t get a ticket, the demand is too great” and I looked at her with a HERE GO HELL COME kind of glare and said “Oh yes I will!” Cut to months later I

I remember the first time Book of Mormon went on sale in SF it took me 11 times (kept getting kicked offline) before I scored a decent Orchestra seat when everyone said I would never get a ticket, and they were wrong so we’ll see. I wish you luck, and agree about the rest of the season—really not compelling me to

I can’t articulate anything worthwhile in response