
Ok, Zack. Surrrre

Whatever you say, Zack.

I love how you tell rogueindy a fucking moron everywhere lolol

Rogueindy is either Zack or lusting for him. One of the two 

Are you Zack or just someone lusting for him?

Thank you for saying this.

Shut the fuck up you nuisance. I hope you get jail time one day. 

You might be the dumbest person on the planet

There’s no legal way to steal someone else’s copyright protected product. Change your understanding or end up in jail one day, your call.

There are plenty of men who can run your mom better, but you don’t see them telling your dad that every day.

I would love to see you say that to a judge lol. 

“I hope the Nintendo lawyers aren’t looking!”

I hope Nintendo come after you and Kotaku for this.

You sir, are a complete fucking moron.

It truly is sickening. There are people stupid enough to say pirating is okay because Nintendo didn’t give me a 4K option lol. Like, are they that fucking stupid? What has this world come to

What a douche bag article. 

You have a lot of time on your hands.

This is the epitome of an anecdotal comment. I’ve never seen it, so 99.99999999% of people haven’t seen it! Speak for yourself bud, but others might be seeing trannies all the time.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this another one of those loud minority whiner articles where a dozen tweets justify the feeling that thousands feel that way?

Comparing some radicalist left comments advocating violence vs. the white power right violence that has led to real world genocide in the past countless times? It’s not even close who’s the real danger to society.