
Alright, enough with the Tool lyrics.

So whatever Antifa was doing warranted someone driving their car through a crowd and injuring people who may not have been doing anything wrong other than protesting? Congrats. You just gave ISIS, et al excuses.

And can we please reclaim FTW? What's the "For The Win" shit all about? Sounds like a phrase some "hip" Christian preacher with a bald head and goatee came up with.

And the last original-lineup Polvo album.

Man, that shit was so early-90s.

Will Kinja affect Dawes?

Talk about over-bloated messes, Victory takes the cake. Dennis Hopper seems like he's trying to improvise his lines. And why have such an Italian name and be NWO leader?

I think that's awesome AF.

While we're at it, let's burn some Replacements albums for "Androgynous"

Next up on 90s revisionism: Nirvana promoted gun violence and Eddie Vedder had no right to sing the song "Daughter"

Can't hide in the closet. Too full with My Little Ponies, Princess dresses.

What? No R&B artist accused of raping teenage girls for decades on the bill? Pitchfork is slipping.

<wakes from="" coma=""> So "Indie Pop" is a thing?

Can we get 50 Cent to step in to make this interesting?

Are you an Interscope bot?

Bojangles >>>Church's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>those two

Tram. It's exquisite. Spam is a low-energy loser. Loser, folks. SAD!

What's for snack time?

Waiting for anti-Jim tweet from Trump calling him a pussy.

You bots are a weird lot.