Mika is homely? Really? She could change me from being a Republican any day, d'ya know what I mean?
Mika is homely? Really? She could change me from being a Republican any day, d'ya know what I mean?
Having Gene Hackman in it ups the '90s quotent.
Illuminati shit. Duh.
You missed the anti-semitic remark in "OJ" so grade bump, AV Club?
I don't understand this hatred of women among the alt-Norman Bates set. Is it a mom thing? You're sick of living in her basement? Did the cheerleader you had a crush on in your high school deny you? Or you're gay and just would rather have nothing but men around you all the time? I'm serious. I don't get it.
I agree with you about Libertarians and birth control. Why wouldn't they?
Those people like to screw just like anyone else.
Breitbart is almost right! It's God's tears because Jews!
Haha! I would've loved to watch those red flags pop up. Was the protest the last straw in the crush?
Meh, she'll just find a clueless rich white man to bankroll her life. And he'll probably turn out to be Jewish but I'm sure that would be OK with her.
I'm sure she has a blog and Instagram. She'll be fine.
That poor girl must be railing oxycontin on the reg just to maintain.
Wonder if his wife ever .jpg'd him.
The three-song stretch of "Hey, Johnny Park!" "My Poor Brain" and "Wind Up" is one of the best.
Bootleg DVD.
Oh yeah? I got 2 of the biggest pair of Clerks 3s right here, dingleberry!
Will she be CGI'd for Clerks 3? If so, just make sure she's dressed better than that Jersey assemble she was wearing in Clerks. I never knew people still wore acid-washed jeans in the 90s until I saw Randall in that movie.
Stealing Glenn Beck's ideas, of course.
"Polvo bassist Ash Bowie"