I read somewhere that they are (or are planning) to use affiliate links for all the pins that refer to shopping sites with affiliate programs.
I read somewhere that they are (or are planning) to use affiliate links for all the pins that refer to shopping sites with affiliate programs.
And if girls like it, it MUST be annoying!!
YEAH!! I'm making a pin that says "Pinterest: 4chan for girls" and I will love it but nobody else will get it. :)
I think @jupiterthunder meant that they charge more than $1 for some items? Family Dollar is like that, but everything is definitely a dollar at Dollar Tree.
Dollar Tree is a dollar store. Everything they sell is a dollar.
Yeah, I am awfully prescient. <— just wanted to use that word in sentence
Salvador Dali would love this!
I bet Guinness marshmallows would be GOOD! Guinness & chocolate?
@harei: To say nothing of the three boys in my house who would find playing in piles of crap as alluring as Uncle Scrooge would, when surveying his money bin from the edge of the diving board.
@Richard Wachler: Calling it "defragging" definitely makes cleaning/decluttering sound more fun.
The fact that it's called something as awesome as "tabula rasa cleaning" makes me want to do it. The fact that it's actual work that takes A WEEKEND makes me know I won't.
I like how the majority of commenters took this as a call to list their pet peeves, as if outside stimuli (and not the person, him/herself) is what CREATES an a-hole.
@yarden: thus my avatar: "I'm mad as hell and I can't take it anymore!"
Years of sleep-deprivation! Lack of adequate nutrition. No showers for days. <—3 kids in 4 years
@Kevin Purdy: That's good to know. Nothing says "I'm forced to tweet for work" like following 20 people. :)
That's cool, but when I see you're following 17 people, I feel like it's just another way for you to broadcast to me. Not that I would try to interact with you or anything.
If you like the chalky marsh-things: find dehydrated marshmallows at food servicy-suppliers like Cash & Carry (on the west coast). They keep them in the coffee shop supply aisle.
Yay for crafty moms!
Wow, that was the _managing editor's_ response when her hand was caught in the cookie jar... uh, apple pie? I agree with @CR8ON... enlist 4 Chan.