
Yes, screw those guys! Just not till we get back from Puerto Rico next month though. Free flight vouchers we won in an auction.

My Catholic education FINALLY pays off.

So what happened to the remaining cars and parts? Couldn’t that pay off some of what he stole?

We know way too much about his personal life don’t we?

I bet you could get way more than $3000.00. for the Willys.

Love Wo0lley’s illustration!!! Great job sir!

I can hear trucks roaring down I-30 as I type this.

Genuine happiness cannot be faked.

I’m happy for you. Seven mile Rim. Been there done that, some of the best fun I’ve had with my clothes on.

I hope you have a chance to drive her in Moab. I don’t own a Jeep, but we rented one there for a day last summer. One of the most fun vacation days we had as a family.

Same here. Maybe I will rebuild a Jeep or Miata one day!

I’ve had a really bad day, and this turned things around for me. Damn that was funny!!!

#8 getting hit by a truck???

Don’t do the crime if ya can’t do the time!

Sounds like a Baylor incubator...


Amen, As Long. I feel the same way. Miss the cane fields and orchards of the RGV.

Sounds like the D-back relied a little too much on the safety.

What ratio?
