
I think that manuals will be relegated to hot hatches or similar, where it’s a younger person’s primary car or maybe a secondary car when you’re a bit older and want to have a spirited adventure on the way to pick up your gallons of Metamucil at Costco. But for family cars or daily drivers in a very congested

Yea, I think all the aftermarket mod availability will go a long way for those folks that want to show a little personality. Be it easily bolt on fenders or doors or bikini tops. I might be in the market for a new vehicle, and had been eyeing Jeeps for a while, but the Bronco will also get a look see. Supposed to hear

Not as bad, but teaching my kids how to make an old fashioned at 10, was not the wrong thing to do.

He writes really well, he has that going for him.

I am pretty sure that footage is from Knockout Sports bar. Like rain on your wedding day, huh.

I went to the temple this weekend at the last minute. Yankee’s be damned. My brother and some friends were in Dallas from around the state for a concert. Between them, they had visited most every ballpark in the US. Our friends were giving me a hard time about why in the hell the Rangers needed a new stadium. They

The problem is that he thinks he has the get-out-of-jail-free card in his pocket.

Great read.

You sound like a “glass is half empty sorta person.”

Looks like a dicey situation that came up snake-eyes.

When crossing state lines it really helps if there is some geologically visual boundary you cross. Especially if there are mountains. Nothing is as exciting as seeing the mountains in the far off distance and then seeing the sign, Welcome to Colorado.

Baldingers breakdowns are really great because it gives us fans that have never played the game a better understanding about the X’s and O’s. He does this with a lot of different teams. Coll stuff.

Why would some hold you underwater? Was it malicious or just funnin around? Crazy!

Dude, I think we married the same woman. Does she travel to Dallas a lot?

This is great insight on how teams deal with difficult people. Happens in all walk of life. All great managers, be it in team sports or a restaurant know their people and what makes them tick. Knowing how to keep everyone happy is good for business.

Well done. Guess I need to pick the book back up again.


I car-pool with a gal who drives a Prius. Sometimes 500 miles a week. Done so for many YEARS. I can count the number of times she has been passed on the highway on one hand. Much closer to 100mph than 50 my friend. Also, she is one of the safest drivers I have ever met. There are spots on our drive where the speed

Great read, what is with all these great Deadspin articles these past few days?

Who was he? White. Having a mom as a judge a county over helps too.