
@TheRealDoshu: Then I'd really hate videogames. If finished games annoy me what chance do I have with unfinished games?

I've realized that I suck at reviewing games because all I do is notice all the little things that annoy me. The best I could ever hope to be is a less funny Yahtzee.

See, this is what happens when you cut NASA's budget. They're stuck spending the day at the lake.

They can't just buy it off amazon?

Man this would be freaking awesome. I really loved Blitz the League (not as much the 2nd) but more Blitz is always a good thing. Hopefully we'll have more bone breaking x-rays soon.

OC, consider me a traitor.

Is the phone always transmitting data? How much is this costing you in a data plan?

@CaptainJack: If the voter outcry were loud enough we could dump her. Then again, Timmy G is still secretary of the treasury so apparently no matter how bad you are at your job Obama isn't gonna can your butt.

How is this woman still in office? Haven't we already proven that she's incompetent like 10 times?

They were talking about this on the Radio and on TV and so on. Is this really such a big freaking deal? Everyone already owns all their music anyway.

So that makes him a block head?

You mean to say that Microsoft may be overcharging for an Xbox accessory!?

They're killing the market because they're so good at what they do. Why can't they suck more like other digital distribution sites?

@thedarkerside.to: During the presidential primaries he said that was what he'd do if president.

I saw this picture on failblog and was trying to figure out what could cause such a thing. Pretty incredible.

@Skitch: Yeah, linear games can be tons of fun as long as they are exciting and well scripted. COD4: MW if proof enough of that.