
@jglavin: The other possibility is that they're stealing their neighbors power. How come nobody's thought of that? I guess they'd still blow the little 75KVA transformer serving the neighborhood though.

@jglavin: You mean you didn't see the 800A switchgear on the side of the house?

@Alex McMillan: Are they trying to draw from Natural Selection for inspiration?

@MrMrScott: Yeah, I'm not trying to pee on the game as much as the people peeing themselves over the game.

So my Xbox began randomly ejecting the DVD. Additionally, sometimes it just wont accept a DVD at all. Anyone else here have a bulimic Xbox before? How do you fix it? 12 step program?

@Mokon: Hahaha, I mean, um... Game journalism is srs busnss.

@DukeOfPwn: Scroll down a bit to see my disagreement.

@Mokon: Agreed. I don't understand why journalists pee their pants over this stuff.

Darn you "The Old Republic" for canceling my beta test! You've ruined Christmas!

@yantelope: So I think this is another prime example of reviewers fawning all over something for being "artistic". The choices are very very few so it's too obvious that you've only got about 2 outcomes for the game. The wife killing herself makes no sense and is really just bad writing IMO. It is a depressing game

so I just played that game "One Chance" at newgrounds. Impressions and spoilers in the reply.

I thought about forwarding this on to my friends but then I though "we don't negotiate with terrorists"

I imagine when I'm old and in a retirement home it'll just be one big LAN party all day long. Great story, very touching.

@PigMonger: I was just going to call out washington lobbyists for this one. This is such garbage.

It's life Jim but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it.

@R0bster: that scene gets everyone.