
@Otis M. Whiitaker: Is it, really? Pretty much everyone I know hates backtracking in videogames.

@yanipheonu: Sold out at the Targets and WalMarts in the Dallas area. I wonder how many of them are just going to Ebay.

Oh yeah, we should totally go back to the days when you spent 30 seconds shooting things and 15 minutes wandering around in search of the blue key and then another 20 minutes backtracking looking for the door that it opened.

@ddiiggss: It's a bug in the new firmware. They're gonna patch it soon.

@rebeldevil: I don't know what the intent of the picture is besides highlighting the shocking number of civilian casualties but it does seem a bit misleading.

At first I thought that the civilian deaths seemed awfully high but then reading that it's including the terrorist bombings then it makes more sense. Still, not trying to sort out who's killing the terrorists makes it seem as though there's more collateral damage from coalition forces than there really is.

I think Kobun has found the perfect use for Kinect (although he said Yu-gi-oh!). DragonballZ is perfect for Kinect. It can register all your grunting and flexing and the occasional punch every now and again.

@Kobun: Man, it'd be the perfect dragon ball game. Just tons of grunting and gesturing.

@QualityJeverage: I highly doubt that it'll be useful later because it remains to be seen how it can do anything beyond casual games and dancing.

Show of hands, how many of you intend to buy a Kinect?

@OMG! Red!: My sarcasm detector is beeping.

"Having only 1 title out of 17 launch games truly do something compelling and new isn't a very good launch, especially for people who don't like dance games."

Boy I've heard that one before.

One of the best things to do in the whole world is to go to google translate and type in something in English. Then you translate the English to Japanese and back again. It's always hilarious. For example I will use this paragraph right here.

That's not America! That's not even Mexico!

@ecapox: hahaha, indeed.