
@Rutty14: Yeah, it's a shame that the newness of a good game like Uncharted 2 can outweigh the greatness of an older release like Batman AA. Had it been released in November it'd be GOTY for sure. Just you wait, I bet that Mass Effect 2 gets passed over this year.

@FinalHazard81: I totally understand that's the point of the game. I just said I didn't understand why people enjoyed it.

@Russell_Crowe86: AA should have been the GOTY last year. It's really a shame that it didn't get more credit.

@FinalHazard81: Right, since I don't enjoy it I must suck. Good analysis there Freud.

I downloaded the demo of Super Meat Boy and I gotta say I'm not a fan of the masochism games. I guess I'd rather enjoy playing my videogames.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: I don't know how you could get so pumped. STFU wasn't that great to begin with.

Wing Commander 3 would literally take 3-5 minutes to load a level on my computer. After we doubled the RAM from 8-16 MB it was much quicker but I remember the pain of retrying a mission.

The scariest game I ever played was an old PC game called D/Generation. It was a standard isometric game but what made it so terrifying was it had creatures called C/Generations who could look like anything. You'd walk into a room and all of a sudden the chair would turn into a darkened silhouette, charge straight

@AlucardsQuest: Hahaha, Agreed. I'd promote you if I could.

"The new firmware not only forces you to use Cisco Connect to change the SSID, it uses the very same SSID for both the 2.4- and 5GHz networks. So when your client Wi-Fi adapter surveys the airspace, it sees only one network plus the guest network. That's just dumb."

I guess now we get to see how truly important Dance Central really is.

Good, I bet we'll get excited on the eve of the release.

For a long time I wanted this until I realized just how screwed up most of my dreams are.

Don't forget to set a few IR lights for night time.

Dang, talk about digging up a winner.

@slamdance: I mean, this thing was given away on Oprah! Ugh.

@stafax: It was on IMDB. Seemed fitting for Kotaku.

Finally there's a phone with a legitimate controller? Live, please live.

There used to be a kite store in the mall where I went as a kid that had a chair just like this. When you pressed forward or back or left or right in the chair it activated the d-pad. We used to always ask my parents to go to the kite store to play in the game chair. I know they used to sell these things because