
They didnt' ban him from using a touch tone phone too?

I heard MS is still working on internet solitaire.

@NaraVara: Yeah but I think the market overlap is pretty small. Most people don't game on both an Xbox and a PC.

@NaraVara: It's still a profit you wouldn't have otherwise. The only argument against porting your game to the PC is that people will pirate the game on PC instead of buying it on the XBox. I wonder how much that really happens but that's why you see more games like Assassin's Creed 2 getting delayed releases on the

Man I hope MS does this. I don't really turn on my PS3 all that much because I'm always on my Xbox.

As long as people have PCs and can game on them there will be PC gaming. Additionally MS is working hard to make it very easy to port between PC and Xbox so as long as it's not expensive to port your game over why not release it on the PC as well? PC game sales may not ever be what they used to be but they certainly

I'm still waiting to upgrade my GTX260 for now, depending upon when the new games begin using DX11 more. 3D gaming sure is tempting though.

This reminds me of an extremely violent Stair Dismount. I spent so many hours playing Porrasturvat.

It's crazy listening to your stories because I too went to a friends house to drink Dr. Pepper and play Tie-Fighter. I'm also in Texas. We had a PC Jr. but never got anything better until the Pentium was released so all those awesome 386/486 games went by without me.

I thought a zombie game would be undead on arrival.

@emag: Yet everyone loves kingdom hearts, and Final Fantasy Crisis Core which both could have used another analog stick. MGS was pretty much unplayable for me. Really, is it that hard to put another stick on there? I don't understand why.

@Ueziel: I just can't stand a ton of PSP games because there's no second stick. If it's so unnecessary then why do they still map the look function to the buttons?

Still no dual thumbsticks. This is ridiculous. I guess strafing is overrated?

I missed this earlier. Pretty much the gospel truth.

So are we already entered if we've already signed up?

Just a freebie heads up. There's free BTTF episode one and free Fable 3 weapons. Get 'em while they're hot.