
Oh man, Snooper Troops. I'm having flashbacks now. I could never get anywhere in that game though because I was all of 4 years old when I was playing it on my PC Jr.

@SuperNintendo Chalmers: except that we're already in that hybrid generation now. Also, I'm a game hoarder too and I agree I don't want to see discs gone.

@Kobun: Yeah, there's some problems but the potential profits and the fact that the system is a good two years off lead me to believe that MS would do it anyway.

@Mokon: You're pretty much exactly the reason why MS would do this.

@mrClint: I thought Uncharted 2 was pretty overrated. Apparently I'm the only one.

@3rdshift: Yeah, given the success of Steam and the iPhone I'm betting MS is going to join up. Sony is already toying with it with the PSPGo! but that thing was a failure before it even launched.

I'd really like to see more Games for Windows Live titles. I really like getting the achievements and being able to communicate with my live friends even at the PC.

@Good news, everyone!: well, I'm a monkey island fan and I bought Tales of Monkey Island but I just haven't gotten around to playing it. I fear I'd do the same with BTTF.

I'm willing to be the next Xbox will be a download only console. MS won't be able to resist that kind of control and getting a piece of everything sold and it'd also keep them from having to pay Sony royalties for Blu-Ray.

@InAnimateAlpha: I'm waiting for a price drop. It still seems like the last one where they give you tons of powers and then make the enemies immune to all of them. Lame.

I use my Xbox for netflix and as a media center extender. I use my PS3 for Blu-ray a lot and my Wii is pretty much a dust collector.

I smell DLC, does anyone else?

It's this kind of jury rigging that ensures my in-laws will never be able to work the television at my house.

Can you post a link for us?

It looks to me like the impact location is different from the location of the bullet.

another crappy day at the office?

I completely believe this. My mother is one of those women who has a black purse for winter and a white purse for summer. She left some BK chicken tenders in her purse all winter. Sure enough, they looked exactly the same 6 months later. No smell, no mold no nothing.

@isuee94: a company slogan could be trade marked like nike's "Just Do IT" but this seems a bit excessive and there's not really a limit to how much gets trademarked so it can become anti-competitive.