
This is just pathetic. If you want to make a political statement then go protest but to buy into the tripe that was Avatar and then try to change the world by dressing up like it makes me crazy. I think what I hate most is that people watch a movie like Avatar and buy it hook line and sinker. Ugh.

the costumes look like power rangers.

the costumes look like power rangers.

Okay, so you've got the old iMac screen issues. You've got the iPhone 4 antenna issues. You've got the new overheating issues. I'm just wondering if at some point the reality distortion field ever gets weakened.

My first thought was why? My second thought was awesome.

@Falcon: I mean building structures queues or even build templates.

@iamzombie: It makes no sense not to have it. I don't understand why all the reviewers say it's a good thing you can't zoom out or use build queues and such.

@Unfather: That and the ability to queue up all your buildings and units and not have to micromanage your base.

@baconwaffles: Yeah, I understand that you don't want to change the whole game but I think that they could implement some UI improvements like strategic zoom and advanced build queueing without ruining the game.

You know, being healthy is just the slowest possible rate at which you can die.

"Starcraft's fanbase was too large, too entrenched in its ways, too reliant on the nuances of play during competitive matches for the developers to go making Company of Heroes with Space Marines. In making the sequel to Starcraft, Blizzard could only make, well, the sequel to Starcraft. More of the same, only bigger,

I played Pure to achievement whore my way past my friend. Eat my bleep bloops n00b!

I miss the days of modem games. You'd have to tell your whole family not to pick up the phone or risk disconnecting your game. You'd call your friend and tell him "Okay, my PC's gonna call yours" and then you hope it works because if you had to call him back for some reason you were gonna get an earful of modem.

@yantelope: I didn't realize until I listened to the commentary that the movie can either be taken for face value or you can interperet that Arnie really is in a chair having a schiziod imbolism (however you spell it). At the end of the movie his dream is over and he's a vegetable and that's why the movie fades to

My mind was blown when I realized that there are two completely different and equally valid interpretations to Total Recall. *Spoilers below* I guess that's kind of why I was okay with the end to Inception.

I think I'm gonna pass on this one for now. I was never a huge fan of the original and everyone I talk to keeps saying that this is pretty much the same. I'm a little disappointed.

I'm really hoping that bad 3D films don't kill 3D videogames before they're given a chance. FPS and racing games are a completely different experience than watching Batman.

This is the stupidest comparison I've seen yet, hands down.

@jetRink: Good explanation. Thanks.

@robot-shmobot: Man, now I have to go look up the difference between typeface and font. My status as a geek is failing.