
@robot-shmobot: I suspect this was an edit as I don't remember seeing it in the article. Can I get a ruling Jesus?

Althought I don't fully understand the hatred for comic sans (I'm mostly indifferent) I do think that the war on a font is hilarious. Why does everyone hate it so much?

so did apple remotely kill the application for anyone who downloaded it?

This one really raises the stakes...

What's the cost of more than 2 people MS? Oh that's right, Kinect is limited to 2. Right... So Kinect is cost effective if and only if you'ved got two people playing at all times and you want to play fitness games. Okay, I guess.

I'm still willing to bet that Kinect will be the next virtual boy. $150 is too much to ask of people who already own a $360 and casual gamers are probably not going to drop $300 on a new bundle when they're already burned out on the Wii.

I know this is probably a ways down the road for real time videogames but it still gets me excited.

In my experience a lot of municipalities which installed waterless urinals will never use them again. They have to be wiped down, they smell, you have to change the filters frequently. There's a lot of maintenance that most customers don't want to deal with.

My greatest fear in life is reaching the age when I need classes for this stuff. Just pull the plug on me.

Gizmodo wins again, well done.

You're part of an out placement, we're going in a different direction, we're not picking up your option, take your pick. I've got more.

I read the title several times trying to figure out who Brian Cooks was.

@Phaz: 2nded.

Hahaha thanks for the tip Woz. If you were king would you have us eat cake too?

I'm shocked!

So now more bars in more places is taller fewer bars in more places.

So which came first, the chicken or OC-17? Now I'm even more confused.