
@CommentatorHatman: There's a huge disparity in sales of FPS and RPG games between the two regions. How do you explain it?

@angry_gamer: Well, No More Heroes still sold like crap in japan.

@UCHU: Thanks, that helps.

@ManuOtaku: It's not that I don't want to enjoy them it's that I just don't. It's like the newer types of games have ruined the old ones. I loved ME2 and AC2 and couldn't put them down. Now I struggle to finish more traditional games.

Can anyone help enlighten me as to why Japanese gamers love Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter but Hate all shooters? Just curious.

I'm suffering from an awful case of gaming snobbery. I buy games that I think I want to play but then I get bored with them quickly and move on. I'm struggling to play Final Fantasy XIII and Mario Galaxy right now. Both are supposed to be good games and I guess they're okay but I already know that the second RDR

There are plenty of exlusive shovelware games on the shelves. I think the more important issue is to look at the quality of the exclusive titles vs. non exclusive titles. It seems that games like MGS4, Uncharted 2 and Gears of War are the strongest arguments for exclusivity because they look so much better than any

@Spoony: Yeah, I think the game's problem was a true lack of direction. The best RPGs had something to say and I'm not sure FFXIII had a voice.

So now that the release of FFXIII is in the past do any PS3 owners still feel somehow cheated by the release of FFXIII on Xbox?

Sign me up. Also, on a side note: As an electrical engineer the whole time I was playing inFamous I was thinking "Why is there a transformer here? This makes no sense." Work getting in the way of games again.

@colewheeler: I use Windows Media Center for TV and I use media sharing through media center for music, photos and stored videos. The xbox is slightly limited on codec playback but it works pretty good as a media extender. Also you could probably get a NAS for media but they tend to be expensive.

So now I can avoid a heart attack while eating cheerios and playing videogames simultaneously? Being healthy is awesome!

@Russell_Crowe86: The systems are being used pretty well by now the real issue is that of cost. Current systems are just now reaching $300 which was the starting price point of the last generation. I don't think anyone wants new consoles until the prices of the current generation hits $150 historically.

@colewheeler: I use a PC with Media center and stream to my xbox 360. PC is wireless and I put the router by the xbox. Could do it the other way but the adapter for the PC was cheaper than the Xbox adapter. You can use a program like PlayOn to stream Hulu through the xbox.

@fiveone: DX3 is a prequel I believe. Also DX2 isn't a bad game.

@kearneybobs: Cool, thanks. Also I keep reading IW as infinity ward.