
@itsavw: agreed. It's like playing an RTS and just as you're about to roll all your tanks in your opponent quits and so all that buildup is for nothing. RTS rage quitting is far worse than FPS rage quitting.

@kearneybobs: didn't try that. May have another go at it then.

@itsavw: The worse option is games that continuously spin off like Dark Forces 4: Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Outcast 2: Jedi Academy.

@itsavw: The problem is you're not penalizing just yourself you're screwing your entire team. If you're not gonna play then don't play.

@Komrade Kayce: It's good for kicks. I have fond memories of it but haven't played it in probably 10 years.

@girvanryan: You can't enjoy it because we only do through rose colored nostalgia glasses. The games were great in comparison to other games of the day but by todays standards it's easy to see why they'd be dull.

@DooDooSmellsWorse: While I agree this game went a lot crazy I think crazy can be really good. AC2 goes pretty crazy and I love it. I think Heavy Rain took all the crazy out and as a result the ending felt slightly flat.

@Komrade Kayce: Indeed they did, "Gone are the days of turning castles into fudge"

@itsavw: You're a rage quitter. Own up.

@Save me: I've never played an Atlus game I liked.

@kearneybobs: IW really wasn't a bad game. It fell prey to the impossibly lofty expectations the first game left. It also didn't run on anyone's PC at the time which didn't help. I can't get it to run on my computer now. Vista error of some kind.

Now playing

Anyone ever play Zork Grand Inquisitor? Had some great moments. My favorite being the "Your sword is blowing glue! Oh, wait, let me try that again... Your sword is glowing blue!"

@Ursus-Veritas: I like it. Nothing is perfect but anything to help stem the tide of buttholes on XBL makes me happy.

@DSForte: What magical dream world do you live in?

So are they using the urban setting to make the game run better? Not having to render all that vegetation or expansive views would certainly improve performance. I remember the indoor parts of Crysis running much better than the outdoor parts.

Isn't the problem with TV that it's too easy and making people stupid. We should all go read books and be challenged? Too bad gaming is too hard.

I stopped buying map packs when I realized that $10 was getting me one map that was always vetoed, one map that never appears in the playlists that I play and one map that I actually like. Add in two maps I'm tired of for an extra $5 and my enthusiasm grows by 0.

I went to a day game a couple of weeks ago and waved at the suckers in my office as I drove by. As we were waiting for the first pitch they played the clip "how can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like today' It was glorious.