
@Slagathorian: hahaha, man, it's worse after the baby comes. Prepare for a drought man.

@Pheermee: Uncharted 2 didn't feel like an overabundance of cut-scenes to me. My only criticism was that the combat was very generic.

@exion: Poke'mon is another great example of a game that I desperately wanted to grow but never did. I was hoping Poke'mon stadium on the N64 would make the battles more similar to the TV show. Instead it just felt like an exact copy of the Gameboy. I finally gave up ever hoping for the series to grow and moved on

@Nintendo451: Ok, I'll change my argument. Stop buying JRPGs! :)

@jimmuhpage: Yeah, I thought the dreams that you have were more compelling than the main story. It was like salt in an open wound.

@Ueziel: so how are they any better than Gongora?

@Slagathorian: Congrats on the baby, just had my first last October. Your game playing time is going to decrease drastically. Trust me.

@KaneRobot: I keep thinking Gears of War 3 is coming out!? Dangit!

@ex_nihilo: Hahaha, yeah, every car is already grey so we're halfway there.

@Pheermee: I like cinematic games like Metal Gear Solid but it should never be a replacement for gameplay. I loved the Heavy Rain demo because it still felt very interactive despite it being an adventure game. Bring on the cinematic feelings but don't take me out of the game to do it.

@Gyaruson: I always play single player first so I can get a handle on the controls.

@Showmeyomoves!: I do that to the AI, I guess it's about time they did it back.

@Pheermee: hahaha, that's about right.

@ex_nihilo: yeah, they have much different tastes than other cultures. Monster Hunter comes to mind.

@PuffyTail: yeah, there are about a billion protections for kids built in but when parents don't utilize any of them it doesn't matter. I've heard stories of gamestop employees expressing concern to parents that GTA would be inappropriate for a 10 year old and the parents don't care at all. That's how it is.

@Ueziel: I understand that Gongora wanted to remain immortal and all that. You find the book in his lab that explains that the emotions and feelings of the people in this world are what is destroying the world the immortals came from. It sounds like the game was setting up a choice between one world or the other.

@ex_nihilo: The Japaneese gaming market isn't nearly as big of a percentage of the whole market as it used to be. I think a higher percentage of the population in Japan plays games than other parts of the world but the total population of gamers in NA and Europe is vastly outgrowing that of Japan.

@AcornPop: Yeah, first it was movies, then it was TV, then it was videogames. Comic books may have even had their turn. Our parents grew up watching tons of TV though and yet somehow society still functions. I guess we'll have to find a new scapegoat for the next generation of parents shirking responsibility.

This discussion may have been had a long time ago but I missed it, *** LOST ODYSSEY SPOILERS ***