
@slithy toves: Well, yeah. Old games had to be punishing because, as the speedrun community has shown us, Ninja Gaiden can be beaten in 13 minutes otherwise. Challenge was necessary to keep you playing for more than 10 minutes.

Thanks to Neostar here is the formula for a boss fight. None of your normal attacks work on the boss. The boss will be have 3 different attacks. While attacking the boss will be completely invincible. One of the attacks will either leave him vulnerable or can be deflected back at him. You will be able to hit the

@NeöStarr: Memorization is different from learning. When I say memorization I'm talking about knowing that if I make this jump there's a bad guy on the other side who's going to knock me into a cliff and I'll have about .2 ms to react. I take issue with lots of current boss fights as well. The formula is so tired.

@ex_nihilo: I agree with most of the choices you've listed. I will say I was really annoyed with the scripted events in Rainbow Six Vegas. Ikaruga was a great game with a challenge for sure. All in all I agree with you I'm just trying to put in some reality along with our nostalgia glasses.

@RPGZero: unless you're paranoid like me.

Difficulty in games rehash. I was playing through Sonic 1 the other day and it was really irritating how whenever you got going fast you'd run into lava or a spike or a pit or something. The game would throw things at you which you would not have a chance to react too. Lots of old games we considered "challenging"

Nobody hooks theirs up because most PSPs are hacked.

Did anyone ever play this old game D/Generation? In a way it's the precursor to the survival horror genre. It had atmosphere, a lost at sea story, suspense and puzzles. All of this and it came out back in 1991. Just curious if anyone else ever heard of it.

@Mr.Gawn: I like MW2 just because the shooting is so fluid. When I aim my gun at someone and pull the trigger I want that person dead. MW2 does the best job of this IMO.

@Slagathorian: I gotta agree that ODST was a way overrated overpriced expansion. I think Uncharted 2 is overrated. I also find it funny that when most sequels do the exact same thing the review gets dragged down but when GTA released the exact same game 3 times on the PS2 it was hailed as the best game ever.

Once again things that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!

It's just a matter of taste but I found the depraved splicers and dark world of Rapture tiring. I'm not very excited to go back...

Awesome, I say we all follow videogames advice when it comes to love. This involves several things.

@Ehardergardens: The biggest let-down in HL2 for me was the AI. The first game's AI was very smart. The 2nd game's AI just stood there and shot at you. It just wasn't as much fun fighting the combine for some reason. Still not sure why.

@Kyoya: FF Tactics counts but it's not a traditional RPG as much as it is strategy. Even still the "Immune" crap popped up all the freaking time.