
@kearneybobs: I am a zombie commenter! (I have to comment through giz to avoid the work filter so my giz powers carry over)

@JayUnreal: I got the code but when I put the code in to the PSN it says it's invalid.

@Joe Sunrider: I just used cure 2. Didn't think about pheonix down. This still isn't status effect magic.

@Kyoya: glitches don't count

@Sovereign: Supreme Commander 2 is going to be great. They've been talking a lot about making it more accessible but I'm just hoping they haven't nerf'd the game too much. Supreme Commander has effectively ruined all other RTS for me especially with tactical zoom. I can't stand not being able to zoom out in Red

@SaintDragon: Right now I'm addicted to The Witcher which seems to be less popular. If you want to go really obscure I would say D/Generation. It was the scariest game I'd ever played at the time and it had a great soundtrack too.

@Fernando Jorge: yeah, you have fire, ice and water and then you have an elementalist who uses lava and earth and vines and crap. What the crap is the point!?

@Koztah: Yeah, Rainbox Six was awesome because there were no health packs or regeneration. You got shot you either limp or die. It was pretty cool for a while. Eventually though it wasn't fun anymore and became annoying so in the end I prefer regeneration.

@Yossarian: Yeah, agreed. Lets listen to their old hits without listening to the old guys themselves.

@legendnthemaking: I agree. You're not a big FPS fan if Bioshock is your favorite.

@NeöStarr: Oh poke'mon. I feel like a jilted lover when I think of you.

@TheIsanta: Yeah, well, sort of. The PS3 games are more honest about resolutions than the Xbox. Many of the games on PS3 that say 1080p actually are. Games on the Xbox like Halo 3 aren't even 720p but they are listed on the box as 1080p. Some truth in advertising huh?

@gordeaux789: The demo doesn't do the game justice. I felt the same way about the demo and loved the game. It was way better than Uncharted 2 (you hear me kotaku!?).

@TheIsanta: yeah, the system will switch resolution when the game boots. It's pretty annoying. Sony's PR about 1080p was all BS except for a couple of games.

@VenomIreland: Stupid because I'm mad and it's their fault. I demand satisfaction!

@Lapoisse: ouch, JRPGs are so dull to me now

@Xeriel: the only problem with the old system was that one of two things happened.