
@VenomIreland: No, I can't access the demo because it's not available. Stupid Sony.

Status changing magic is the biggest waste of time in all RPGs. Every enemy it would actually be useful against is immune and it's always 100% effective against you. The only time it works is on really weak enemies you can kill in one hit anyway. Can we please please put an end to status effect magic once and for

Broken promises. Games are full of them. Fable is the prime example. What other games can you think of which broke your heart?

@agies: It has to be animated. Wouldn't be Stan if it wasn't.

@syrantking: Thanks, wanted to post a pic but work firewall is stopping me.

Peter = Stan from Monkey Island

I'd agree more with him if this "interaction" in bioshock was more than just a simple "are you good or evil?"

@OiScout: or if the guns were just more fun. If you shredded the aliens and predators with your guns with nice loud explosions that would be satisfying.

In the aspect of art evoking feelings or perhaps sharing feelings of the artist games are perhaps the perfect medium in which to put the observer inside the art.

@Slagathorian: I got a star on giz very quickly by making fun of Mac and yet no matter how much I make fun of people on Kotaku I can't get a star. I have suspicions of collusion...

@urfe: I'm going to take yet another example to say HAHAHAHA! I hacked my PSP and can play this for free. (I already bought BoF3 on the PSX). I liked it, it was a good game but crap if the music didn't get annoying after a while. The best BOF IMO.

@whiteflea: man, such a good list. I agree on all counts

@Female Orca: I didn't even realize that that's what it meant because it basically always flashed for me. I used the batteries MS sells. They are utter crap. Switched to rechargeable AA's (Sanyo Eneloop) and have never had problems since.

@kevito: I've never been able to play the bad guy. It's just not much fun for me.

Anyone else here really sad you can't kill people with the defibrillator in Bad Company 2?

I couldn't agree more. Sure you can argue about balance but it's just nowhere near as satisfying to shoot someone as it is to drop down behind a marine and eat his face. My impression of the game went from "gee this sucks big time" to "I love this game!" by switching to an alien.

@Slagathorian: I'm starred on giz. I use Giz to look at kotaku comments so some of my powers transfer via osmosis. Science takes the fun out of mystery.