
@Ladi: Well, the battle system gets tweaked but the gameplay doesn't change a lot. I'd just like to see them rethink everything about the game and not put anything into it just because it's a "Final Fantasy". You're right about the first few not being strongly story driven but that's why they didn't have the wide

@OperationTophat: I did it too, drove all the planets, but it killed my desire to ever replay the game. Seemed like the core game was only about 8 hours long. I waited a while for ME1 and felt pretty let down.

@Pheermee: It's not that I don't think MW2 is good it's that the only difference is health. Legendary on Halo 3 was a bit easy but at least the enemies were harder to kill, there were more of them, they had better weapons and you had less health. It felt like you had to be more cautious without the game just getting

@twinturbo2: I'd just like to see a re-done Rush game. New graphics with exactly the same old gameplay.

@OperationTophat: I'd like to reboot final fantasy. If we could get back to storytelling as a main focus and rebuild the gameplay completely from scratch I'd go back.

@DeusDevoid: If the damn Mako is back I'm out. Worst thing since sailing in Wind Waker.

@Slagathorian: yes but apparently Nathan is a genius in lore and a complete MORON in choosing friends. It just ruins a plot's believability for me when you can smell the rat a mile away and still have to wait for it.

@1Mystic-G: I'm still waiting for Sony or Nintendo to show me a truly compelling game on their hardware. Until then I remain cautious.

@Pheermee: I don't mind a good challenge in a game I just think that when challenge means you die in two hits and nothing more I get tired of it. Halo 3's legendary mode is a good example of challenge vs. Modern Warfare 2's Veteran is boring crap of a challenge.

@(Starman) #number258: I have a friend who I showed him Chrono Trigger and Total Annihilation and he STILL won't stop talking about them. I've sort of regretted it ever since.

@madammina: Hello Kitty Island Adventure

@josh6135: which system are you obsessed with whoring achievement points for? Xbox for me!

@NeöStarr: Easy, I'm gonna trap him using hostages and when he asks what my evil plan is I'm going to shoot him, twice. Then I'll just adopt whatever polices they have in Detriot and Gotham will be vacant in no time.

I'm gonna put a spoiler tag here just for the fun of it but *spoiler!* who here is so tired of the guy on the radio betraying you in videogames. If you've got a buddy for more than 50% of the game he's gonna stab you in the back. Count on it. Far Cry, Bioshock, Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2 to a lesser extent.

I doubt it is as much Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress as it is Valve is raking in TONS of cash with steam so finishing games goes on the back burner to maintaining steam. It's kinda the same way with Blizzard and WoW.

Is there some sort of new Hollywood rule against naming movies with more than one word?