
@PatrickSwayze: This pilot looks like he's got an afterburner climax

I love fan subs. Suiken Densetsu 3 was the first I was familiar with but I was able to recently play through policenauts. Why can't companies just learn to pay a small fee to the fans who do it and release it? Is it really that hard?

@wanyo: Quad Core processors don't help with games much right now but I like having one since I can record shows in HD while playing games without any slowdown. Dual Graphics cards only really help if you're running in really high resolutions like over 1920x1080. Tom's Hardware and PC Perspective run tons of

@Mike8813: It's a bit much for me as well. I don't like it when shooting games don't have any blood at all but to stop and relish in the violence is taking it too far.

@wirebrain: hahaha! relationship over.

@mrantimatter: Yeah, well the very best thing was to build an atlas as the first thing in the game, pick up the enemy commander and then self destruct him over his own base. game over. Good times that was.

Finished Assassin's Creed 2 and now when I look at buildings I have the urge to climb them. Not just in a "that would be cool" way but I look for a path up the building like I do in the game. It's kinda subconscious too. The only other games I can remember giving me a gaming fewer were Tetris and Rainbow Six. I

@Mi7ch: Yeah, same here. Seems like the combat devolves into about 400 air superiority fighters vs another 400 air superiority fighters and then the computers go into slide show mode. Such a great game though.

@acidpits: Sombody set up us the bomb!

@Spaceboy: Man I remember that VHS tape. It is still amazing how many of those games got canceled or completely retooled. Kirby's Air Ride anyone?

@mrantimatter: They are changing it from T1,T2,T3 units to just clicking on a tree to upgrade the units. So you add on to your T1 units. This might help solve the irrelevance of T1 units late in the game but I'm wary of over simplifying what was a blessedly complex game. I am tired of Paper, Rock, Scissors RTS.

@TrjnRabbit: I thought the first Uncharted was overrated and I got the 2nd because of all the ZOMGs. Haven't played it yet though.

@dd528: I think that the Vikings are going to upset the Saints. Still in mourning over the Cowboys...

@Natural-Born-Chaos: WoW has to be the choice for anyone. If you assume offline then I'd go with Little Big Planet to make tons of levels with my free time.

@Crimsondramon: Zelda 64, I'm so glad they polished it to OOT.

Any Supreme Commander players out there? Supreme Commander 2 is going to be dumbed down because it was too hard to learn for new players. This means the economy has been simplified and there is a tech tree now. What do you think? It sounds to me like they are removing some of the defining things about the game

@Rozzeh: 1: no, you're a jerk and a n00b.