@MagicMagicPony: I wish I got my money handed to me in big burlap sacks with dollar signs on them.
@MagicMagicPony: I wish I got my money handed to me in big burlap sacks with dollar signs on them.
Ramming speed!
Indeed.... *moment of silence
@YeahVeryeah: It wouldn't be terribly hard to make one considering all the revamps that Nintendo has made and if they can cater to the old people with teh DSi XL then they can cater to the majority of Americans with HD Screens.
"Anyone old enough to remember RF switchers... anyone who whined about wanting to play on the den TV...game playing children of the 1980s" This fits me on all acounts. I never watch primetime TV unless it's with my wife and then only a couple of shows. If I were single I doubt I'd watch any live TV. The big…
I own it. Got it for Christmas. I had to finish playing inFamous first. Then I borrowed Assassin's Creed 2 from a friend. I'm going to get around to playing it, really I will...
@Numanoid: hahaha, yeah that was a little silly. Had they had pistols or even wolverine claws Miles would have been screwed.
@bUCKEYEs75, Masked Defender of the Gamecube: Mutlitple time frames would be cool but I fear you'd lose that connection with the historical assassin. I like that the game remains personal.
@LaunchOctopus: There was a Blade Runner adventure game way back in the day and it got good reviews. It was by westwood studios makers of Command and Conquer.
@gurfinki: the princess could hover in Mario 2 which is kinda like a double jump
@magnakaiser: I think if you're not careful you begin to move from being a game to being rhetoric. Inherently I find TV to be the lowest form of rhetoric because it is so poor at conveying arguments on logic and good at evoking emotional response. I think that videogames would be a terrible medium for rhetoric and…
@ca$h is Mr. Happy: I really enjoyed that game. I got really tired of people calling it a GTA ripoff especially since I spent so little time driving and so much time jumping 30 feet in the air and blowing crap it. Very fun game.
@dlenoxx: lol, *semi spolier* it's already gone of the deep end but not necessarily in a bad way.
So, Assassin's Creed 3 setting. Is it time for a modern game? Should this game be played from Miles Desmond's perspective. Should it be in the revolutionary war? What would you like to see?
A lack of strong titles in the 4Q mixed with aging consoles and a bad economy equals lower sales. This souldn't have been hard to foresee. Hopefully though Activision will learn to lower its dependence on perephireals and Nintendo will release some core gamer games or at least an HD Wii.
Ordered my shirt. done and done
@shibbybypass: I do buy those
@ARCH_27: Rofl!
@Talryyn: right, can't delay it if it never gets a release date.
It still affects my buying habits. I have an awesome gaming PC but still buy games on the xbox for the bleep bloops.