@pandafresh: it wasn't cool. Exclusives breed fanboyism and make you regret not owning the other system. Then you have 3 systems hooked up to your TV at all times and it becomes a mess.
@pandafresh: it wasn't cool. Exclusives breed fanboyism and make you regret not owning the other system. Then you have 3 systems hooked up to your TV at all times and it becomes a mess.
I'd be more optimistic about the Xbox port if it were shown off more. The lack of footage of the game worries me.
I always prefer boxed content. I only by downloadble games if there is a distinct price advantage which means never for the xbox. To bad the article doesn't touch on boxed games that are locked to download sites like steam.
Tractor appears.
@Pudgie'sSmokerGivesAGoodTongueing: The exploding boss in Ninja Gaiden 2.
@bakura: I buy too many games and then find myself with 4 or 5 sitting waiting to be played. Then 1 or 2 of them keep getting pushed off and eventually forgotten. I still haven't really played Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, Uncharted 2, Torchlight....
@PuffyTail: I feel exactly the same about FFXIII. I'm so worried it's going to suck and I want it to be awesome.
@senselocke: I had a freakout moment when Rogue Spear used WASD. I was so used to the arrow keys and I didn't want to change. I don't feel like changing again thank you very much.
@LucasReis: God of War, Yakuza, Dragon Warrior
@Rampage: I use walkthroughs all the time. Personally I don't think it's the same as cheating. Lots of time a walkthrough is the manual the developer should have provided but didn't. Oblivion is a good example. I didn't realize how the convoluted and asinine leveling system worked and basically ended up wasting 20…
@ddmeightball: I use ASUS mobos and Intel has probably the best CPUs now. Corsair seems to make good memory and Kingston is overpriced. Antec makes the best cases too IMO.
In the spirit of yesterday's Console RPG Cliche list I present the evil overlord list
@uppitycracker: "Delays are never a bad thing" Too Human aside Half Life is the franchise that I've gotten tired of waiting for. When your episodic content takes 2 years for a 6 hour episode then I'm ready to move on.
A delay or two for polish is good. Long delays because the game sucked or for "quality control" are bad. Too Human comes to mind.
@tim rogers: I really hope you're wrong but since you said you've already played it I'll take your word. It's such a shame to see theme and narrative take a back seat especially in an RPG.
@mat1cs is not your friend.: it was a joke, just laugh
...but aliens was actually a good movie!
@Muckamuck: Oh, you can't let Crisis Core muck up your decision. It's like if you held James Cameron responsible for Terminator 3.
Tifa or Aeris?
@Dobostar: Wolverine's achievement's are pretty easy and it's a fun game. Also Fable 2 is not tough