
@Aenean: not quite as nice as saving those lag videos from Halo 3 though.

@Slagathorian: i thought it was monopoly that was king of destroying relationships

@aDefecatingDog: hahaha. right. Gravedigger's business is always piliing up! People are dying to get in! sorry, couldn't resist.

@jer2110: It's lag. I've experienced it many times.

@Koztah: Puzzle Fighter 2 turbo is a big hit with my wife and her friends. Fun to play and very competitive.

This is pretty old and some of you may have seen it. The grand list of console RPG cliches

@Opuelas: True and agreed but the problem of getting people (especially youths) to part with more than $300 is very difficult as Sony learned. Had it not been for Blu-ray the system would be a complete flop. Of course it wouldn't have been $600 either.

@(Starman) #number258: Pizza, some scientists argue that there are only 4 elements but I say that earth is definitely an element.

@Slagathorian: I remember maxing out all the materia to creat 3 sets of master mateira for Final Fantasy VII. What a pain in the butt that was. So pointless. I also remember my brother uncursing the shield in FFVI. Also a pain. I do like the fact that in all RPGs you must be so powerful to get the ultimate

@Willby: that's a sure fire way to get let down.

@ddmeightball: Desktop. I don't take trips and never need to use a PC on the go. I keep thinking it'd be nice to have a laptop but then I remember how much I don't need one.

@Gringorilla: I wish more games had split screen online a la Halo 3. Lots of times I have 1-2 friends over and we'd like to play a game but we can't all play online and 3 player FFA gets tiresome when you're much better than your friends.

@Michael Dukakis: All games will be one level and you have to buy the rest of the levels as DLC. Each game will have it's own peripheral and you'll keep them all piled high in your living room. Every game will be a sequel or prequel. Offline games will simulate 12 year olds cursing for that true online experience.

A few people have touched on this but not fully. If you look at price points we're nowhere near where you'd need to be to announce another console. The Xbox and PS3 were $200 within a year or two of their release and $150 not long after that. This generation has been alarmingly expensive much to the chagrin of PS

@Sleet: I don't think the Wii fad is indicative of overall gaming trends. I do think graphics hardware is not progressing as fast as it used to and consoles are unusually expensive for this point in their cycle.

I enjoyed Fable 1 because somehow I never heard about it and avoided all the hype. I was able to accept the game for what it was without knowing what was promised. I wish I could say the same for Fable 2. I think I'm going to avoid reading about Fable 3 in hopes of achieving the same sort of zen state.

@deanbmmv: I guess to clarify I should say that when I think of an RPG I think of story, music, character building. I know that we all think of battle systems and character sheets but these were just the tools of the day to separate the games from side scrollers. Are they really so necessary now?

@Fleuret: I thought the graphics and story and music were really good. I'd bash on it more except that it's the only JRPG I've beaten in probably 10 years. I don't really know why it held my interest so well. It's probably because the graphics were good and the dungeons weren't too long.