
Okay, just started Assassins Creed II so no spoilers please but I would like to ask something. Is AC2 an RPG?

@Yossarian: man that part pissed me off good. Almost threw my controller in anger.

@adventlife: I carried the stupid gnome through all of HL2:Episode Two. Not totally ridiculous just annoying for only 20G.

@NerD: Blattella: I take it your a cheapassgamer like me who didn't get around to playing it until just now?

@Cult of 62: I just thought it was too hard to aim period. I don't like having to fire off a whole clip just to kill someone. I also didn't like that spray and pray with an MG was the most effective tactic I found.

@papertiger3: You can try ibuypower or falcon northwest but they are kinda expensive though. Nerds will make fun of you if you buy an Alienware. I built mine and it's really not nearly as hard as you'd think. If you have a friend who can help you that'd be the route I'd suggest.

@ThursdayNext: I don't. I mean "Playing whatever game you already legally purchased for you PSone back in the day or buying said game from the PSN"

@Wolfnave: I gave up on the trials when you had to do the whole jump and lift your legs trick to go faster. It made no sense at all. Other than that I really loved the game. EA make a sequel please. We'll buy it, really we will.

@DragonDawn85: ooooo.... That's a good call. Duly noted

@MR. FAP☆FAP! 。◕‿◕。: I'm still optimistic that Alan Wake will be some crazy artistic piece of brilliance. If that fails there is always Last Guardian

@ThisIs3Sick: I like QTE's when they were popularized by shenmue because it was cool watching all the fighting choreography. I don't like it when every single time you fight a rancor in SWTFU you have to do the same QTE again.

I put forth the argument that Yasunori Mitsuda is a better composer than Nobuo Uematsu.

@TheSpiller: I recommend hacking it and playing whatever PSone game you want. I'm playing FFIX

@OmegaSpartan08: I'm finishing inFamous and Uncharted 2. Working on SF4, Defense Grid, Torchlight and probably something else I forgot.

@kenjara: I got Defense Grid and SF4

@LuckyAoi: I'm only on again since I finally found a way around the filter. I used the link through giz to get here :)

@Kenny: Mmmmm, I love colons!: I felth this way for a while too. It's probably just that the same tactics don't really work in MW2. Tactical insertion is crucial for demolition and HQ modes. Noob tube with danger close and scavanger on is more than effective. Dual shotguns have been nerfed somewhat thankfully.

@Auto Aim is for Pussies.: I hated that game (the new one not sands of time). I thought it got really boring really quick. It's pretty, music is good, controls are good. Everything in the game works except it's just so freaking boring to play. If you like jumping around all over the place for hours on end

@walls99: Well, I think that Deus Ex did it the best IMO. I'd like to see more info on Deus Ex 3 and hopefully the shooting will be less clunky than it was in past games.