
Help me out here. Why is it we always hear stories like this and they always fizzle out into nothing. It's like reading about new battery technology. I read a while back about them testing a new potential AIDS vaccine. Are scientists just way to eager to publish their research and so we get lots of stories to get

@Jekku: dangit, beat me to it

@yantelope: Why did sega always have the words "this is cool" on the bottom corner of the screen? Was this the slogan in Japan. Do you have to tell us how cool it is? Really? He just threw a guy off a cliff who exploded into a giant fireball. Maybe it's like a webster's dictionary thing. Cool: Guy bursting

Now playing

The bomberman hero video was my favorite.

Sweet! The perfect last minute christmas gift. What better way to say I love videogames now make me a sandwich!

I'd complain if I played Madden. If they are going to advertise then at least give me a discount on the game. maybe the could offer a $60 version and a $40 ad powered version. That would make it more palatable to swallow. I'd also like to state that in most cases you aren't paying to watch your NFL game, they pay

@otko: "Do you brush Ralph?"

@Psychopathic Assassin: There is a legal right purchases of copyrighted material have called "first sale". So while a copyright owner only profits on the first sale of a copy of his material he still controls the # of copies of that material. So while he makes no money on used game sales he has still profited from

Every publisher makes this claim about their RPG. I'm so tired of hearing how I'm going to care about your characters. I can still count on one hand the number of games that I have really cared about the characters or felt sad when they died. You can talk about game mechanics. You can talk about graphics. You can

All I see is lots of cute fluffy bunnies. No death dealing aliens mutilating people here. I don't see anything like that at all. Leave me alone!

My weekend will probably involve logging in to MW2. Either winning or losing and blaming everything on the F@(*#&$ ranger runners.

I had a chance to try these on at Fry's today and the effect was good. I was slightly surprised by how quickly you get used to the feeling. I get the impression that after a while you wouldn't notice the 3d anymore.

I've got friends at gearbox who told me they are currently working on a duke nukem game.

Oh man the camera is awful! I can't take 3 steps without having to stop and re-aim it. I loved AC on the xbox and its a shame that the camera in this game completely ruins the experience.

So.... at what point do you consider yourself addicted to video games? Is it when your newborn daughter is crying but you wait until after the deathmatch is over? Is it when you're at work and you spend more time playing emulators than you do actually working? Is it when you close your eyes at night and only see

Okay, honestly, marriage is a sacred union between two parties. As long as there is a commitment to each other who are we to judge. If it makes this man happy to marry a game cartridge than why should we impress our views on him. He seems to have made a commitmint through good times and through bad so just leave

All the brouhaha about the matchmaking system aside I'm glad to hear that the PC version sold well. I'm just glad to hear any news of PC games selling well.

This boils down to one question "Are you going to pay for something that's already in your game" The answer from the community (and peoples wallets) is a resounding yes. Sure we all whine about it but we still buy whatever bungie and infinity ward sell so they will keep doing it.

@deanbmmv: As far as the whole SC2 Vs. SC2 thing goes I think it's interesting that Starcraft seems like it's still stuck in the past. Supreme Commander has given us unprecedented scale, control and versatility. I know that Starcraft is said to be the most "balanced" RTS but nothing comes close to feeling as epic as